Legend & Lore: Balancing Wizards in D&D

Fiiinally. Stating that the wizard “casts spells” is basically a 30-year old mission statement. We got that figured out. What I want to know is how, and I would preferably like that how to make sense from a narrative perspective. In 2nd Edition wizards had to study their spellbooks to “memorize” their spells. When they […]

Dragon’s Eye View: Dat Hat

What makes a wizard a wizard? Is it the pointy hat? Is it the robe? Wizards touring around crumbling, monster infested ruins wearing pointy hats and long, flowing robes is about as reasonable as female warriors wearing armor that ensures that their toned, supple vital spots are barely covered. Your mileage may vary. As I […]

Class Acts: Wizards

This wizards Class Act focuses entirely on summons–of the elemental/demon variety–adding fourteen to the roster in addition to a pair of new mechanics called intrinsic nature and symbiosis. Intrinsic nature is basically instinctive effect by another name, telling you what your summon does on your turn if you dont tell your creature to do something. […]