Red Book Mohrg

Yet another mohrg for Dungeons & Delvers. Unlike the big-ass poster we did before, added more  vein/vine-like growths all over the body. I imagine that the real creature is all the fleshy bits (which makes me think that changing the type from undead to something like aberration would make more sense), so they’d probably make […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Owlbear

Our revised take on the owlbear for Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book: The previous incarnation was more inline with Dungeons & Dragons, essentially a bear with an owl’s head, maybe some other bird-like features. I wanted to do something more interesting with it, and eventually came up with the idea of giving them wings so […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Giants

All of the giant art for Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book. We didn’t do hill or storm giants, because the former I think can be covered pretty well by ogres (maybe adjust their level and/or size), and the latter feel like a slight variation of a cloud giant (which can already create storms and shoot […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Cherub Art

Art for the angel section in the monster chapter of Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book, a cherub in humanoid form. Going for a more biblical look, something more interesting than just humanoids-with-wings, maybe with blue skin. Bull face would be on the back. I’m pretty sure the seams on the skin comes from Asura’s Wrath, […]

Cha’alt: Fuchsia Malaise Kickstarter (3 Days Left!)

Pretty straightforward: if you like Cha’alt, Venger is running a Kickstarter with just a few days left for its first expansion, Cha’alt: Fuchsia Malaise. Skimming the KS page, it looks like it’s going to have more of everything: lore, monsters, magic item, locations, point/dungeoncrawls, and so on. I didn’t see it on the list, but […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Otyugh Art

B&W art for the otyugh: A kind of homage to the Tony DiTerlizzi version in the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual. Changed it up a bit so the eyes are more like a cluster that allows the otyugh to see all around it, and the head has a depression, making it easier to cart around it’s […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Frost Giant Art

B&W art for the frost giant: Giants in Dungeons & Delvers are intended to be fought alone, possibly with other, lesser creatures helping them out. It is because of this that each of their attacks not only affects an area, but targets have to make a save for half damage (rangers luck out in that the […]