Dungeons & Delvers: Making a Spellsword

I remember trying to make a fighter/wizard combination back in my 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons days, but aside from houserules and/or specialized builds (requiring classes, prestige classes, feats, and/or magic items) it doesn’t work, and I’m not even sure about the latter. This is because of all the fiddly math in 3rd Edition: fighters need all […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Wizard Spells

Someone pointed out that it’s possible for a 1st-level human wizard to start the game with either Fireball or Lightning Bolt (and every other race could pick it up by 2nd-level). Fireball inflicts 7d6+Intelligence fire damage to a 10-foot radius, while Lightning Bolt inflicts 6d10+Intelligence lightning damage to a single target (Reflex save for half […]

FrankenFourth: The Illusionist

Something that’s been on the docket for awhile now is the illusionist talent tree. Jacob has been playing an illusionist/enchanter hybrid since the start of the Age of Worms playtest campaign, though he’s since branched out into Necromancy because c’mon, animating big-ass undead minions and interrogating ghosts is pretty damned awesome and useful. Not to say that […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 8

The previous A Sundered World: More Stuffs preview provided a few glimpses about dwarves, one of the more “normal” default races. This time I’m going to touch on the weirdest race: the t’pual. T’pual were originally bodiless psychic entities that inhabited another dimension. They were preyed upon by the thulid, who could sense and contain them to […]

A Sundered World: A Magical Art Update

For the first bit of art we have a cthon wizard, based on one of Melissa’s characters from a previous playtest session: This wizard differs from the Dungeon World version in a variety of ways. The first, and most prominent, is that there’s no list of spells. Instead casting a spell is a roll-and-hold move, and […]

Dungeon World: Vancomancer Overhaul

It took waaay longer than I expected, but The Vancomancer (which is now a Best Silver Seller) has finally been updated (so if you already own it, check your Drivethru RPG library). In addition to boasting a new cover (colored by Melissa), here’s a list of other changes/additions: Two digest-sized pdfs. One lacks a background texture, so if […]

A Sundered World: Class Overhaul

First things first, here are links to the current-enough versions of most of the classes from A Sundered World: Battlemind Invoker Nomad Shaman Wizard I mentioned at the ass-end of this post that since they’re all based around roll-and-hold moves, I was considering changing some of them. Partially because I’d like to see more variety […]

A Sundered World: Reworking the Wizard

No Dungeon World play reports this week since both our GM and Melissa were too sick to run and play respectively. There also has not been anything noteworthy on the 5th Edition front, so nothing to say there (which some of you probably appreciate). I have started a community on Google Plus for A Sundered World, […]

My "Next" Wizard

So there has been a lot of talk about how 5th Edition wizards are going to go back to the pseudo-Vancian magic system. Personally I have never liked guessing which spells are going to be useful (which goes for preparing, selecting, and casting), or basing the adventure schedule around remaining spells. Hell only a handful […]

Playtest: Wizard

Wizard playtest is up. Most of the changes entail giving encounter attacks miss effects of one kind or another, changing zone effects so that the damage occurs at the end of their turn instead of the start (and only happens once), and adding spell school keywords to spells to help mesh with mages and their […]