A Sundered World: Wandering Wyld & Elements of the Maelstrom

Today we’ve got another pair of art previews A Sundered World’s ten monster settings. First up, the chapter cover for the Elements of the Maelstrom: It depicts a battlemind confronting a salamander (mythological, not “D&D-ized”). I wanted to try an angle I really haven’t drawn before, as well as showcase the fact that gravity is subjective. So, […]

A Sundered World: Elves, Enthollows, and Bombards

I had planned on posting some elf drawings today, but ran into a problem concerning the look of them, namely that I’m not sure what they are “supposed” to look like: do they look like people with pointed ears (like you’d expect from D&D/Tolkien), or are they more animal and/or plant-like? If I hit up […]