Dungeons & Delvers: Vampire Racial Class

One of the players for our Sky Tomb campaign couldn’t make it, so I decided to run the group through Melissa’s Krampus adventure. Shane was able to join, and of course he wanted to play a vampire, so I whipped up a vampire racial class, which unlike the skeleton race I created awhile back saw some […]

Dungeon World: The Vampire

The Vampire is now on sale, just in time to still qualify as a Halloween release! I never thought we’d actually write a vampire playbook, but since I’ve been doing the whole Expedition to Castle Ravenloft bit everything just started falling into place; all told it only took a few weeks to get it all together, […]

Vampire: The Classquerade

Mearls made the big reveal on Monday that the vampire class was deliberately designed, as is, to try and provide a class option that could closely emulate one or more vampire entries in the Monster Manual. This is a reasonable goal that I tried to attain with my homebrew red dragon race/class; take a critter […]

Vampire Myths

I wrote not so much a handbook–certainly not of the quality you’d find on the Character Optimization forum–but more of a primer to the vampire class, as I wanted to work on some character concepts but wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. Some people have criticized that it is too frail […]