Dungeons & Delvers: Vampire Racial Class

One of the players for our Sky Tomb campaign couldn’t make it, so I decided to run the group through Melissa’s Krampus adventure. Shane was able to join, and of course he wanted to play a vampire, so I whipped up a vampire racial class, which unlike the skeleton race I created awhile back saw some […]

Dungeon World: The Vampire

The Vampire is now on sale, just in time to still qualify as a Halloween release! I never thought we’d actually write a vampire playbook, but since I’ve been doing the whole Expedition to Castle Ravenloft bit everything just started falling into place; all told it only took a few weeks to get it all together, […]

Vampire: The Classquerade

Mearls made the big reveal on Monday that the vampire class was deliberately designed, as is, to try and provide a class option that could closely emulate one or more vampire entries in the Monster Manual. This is a reasonable goal that I tried to attain with my homebrew red dragon race/class; take a critter […]

Vampire Play Report

Last week Randy ran The Wayward Wyrmling, an adventure that I reviewed in the past and enjoyed. The adventure is basically three encounters with kobolds, including traps, difficult terrain, and a dragon (in that order), culminating with the possibility that you walk away with a pet dragon. Since we were having a few new people play, Randy […]

Excerpts: Heroes of Shadow, Shadow Classes

Assassin blah blah paladin blah blah, vampire. Finally, we get a peek at their level 1 capabilities. Vampires are shadow strikers keyed to Dexterity and Charisma, which was what I’d expected. Likewise, it utilizes the Essentials progression model, giving you lot of class features at level 1, but without any choice on the matter, and […]

The Vampire "Class"

So, there’s going to be a vampire class in Heroes of Shadow. This isn’t the first time WotC tried to make a class-based progression to simulate the full potential of a monstrous creature. Like Level Adjustment before it, most of the book was a let down as most of the monstrous classes sucked if you […]

Flesh Golems, Vampires, and Werewolves

Oh my.Flesh GolemThis Monster Vault excerpt has a new stat block for a flesh golem and master vampire, as well as werewolf moon frenzy (complete with a different disease layout). One thing of note is that it looks like they’re taking the lack of fluff thing from Monster Manual to heart, as flesh golems feature seven paragraphs of […]