Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes: The Skull (WIP)

This is the very first cover I ever did art for: This was all me. I don’t want to sully Melissa’s name with my shoddy attempt at coloring. It’s awful and I hate it, but I did it because other indie people that I talked to at the time told me it was fine. I was […]

Fright Night Art & Rules Update

It’s been several months since I talked about Fright Night. Ever since Melissa pushed me to start doing art myself for A Sundered World, we’ve decided against trying to Kickstart it again and just have me draw all of the five-ish pieces we were initially aiming for. Here’s the cover for the Creature Factory section: Since the […]

D&D Next: Gnomes, Half-Elves, & Half-Orcs

Oh my. The Read First file mentions, among other things, a list of languages and a revised list of lores under Intelligence, changes to critical hits, various actions like dodge and disengage, short and long rests, the ethereal incorporeal and prone condition, spells, and more, but the big addition is three, count ’em three new(ish) races, including […]

Meet the Templar

I really can not remember the last time I saw the vocal minority so united, this time against the Essentialized writeup of the cleric. To put it mildly, you got people wondering what is wrong with R&D and/or if anyone at Wizards of the Coast has ever played a cleric before. Some claim that the warlord was […]

DDI: Monster Builder "Update"

I was pretty excited to get a message at work that the “brand new” Monster Builder was launched today. Unfortunately, when I got home and fired up Adventure Tools, I was pretty bummed to see that it not only still has the graphic indicating that it’s Beta software, that–aside from perhaps an Import feature–there is […]

New Character Builder

I just spend about half an hour creating random characters with the refurbished, online-only Character Builder, and I have to say that I like it a lot more than the other one. Don’t Like Takes about as long to load as the other Character Builder (and the loading image is grainy). Backgrounds are no longer organized […]

Adventure Tools Update

Adventure Tools got updated to include both all the content from Monster Manual 3 (including the block layout) as well as a slightly improved interface, by which I mean that the buttons are larger and have text along with the graphic. Everything else is basically the same, until you try to create and/or edit a monster.  […]

July Rules Updates

Thats…a lot of changes, and not simple ones, either. For starters, magic missile now always hits but deals less than half damage than before, dispel magic becomes an encounter spell, and lead the attack only lasts a turn even if you hit. And thats just a few of the changes out of Player’s Handbook. All told you’re […]

Update: Zombie Plague

Looks like we finally got the update. Infected victims start out by gaining only half the normal healing before taking persistent necrotic damage each time they don’t improve (it cannot be healed). If you die from the disease, you rise as an infected zombie of your level.