Dungeon World: The Monk

The Monk is out, and has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles, giving you two ways to pick it up, at a discount, along with a bunch of other high-quality playbooks. It’s a largely unarmed martial artist that can shift between various fighting styles. I say “largely” because some […]

Dungeon World: Grave Goods

10+ Treasures: Grave Goods is out (and has been added to our 10+ Treasure Trove Bundle)! As with 10+ Treasures: Wonders of the Wyld, this collection of magic items follows a theme: undead. The fourth entry in the 10+ Treasures line features 29 magic items, including a club that ensures the undead stay dead, claws that cause you […]

A Sundered World: Mes-Atbaru, City of the Dead

Note: Josh and I had some pretty busy weeks, and had to communicate these ideas mostly through email, which is part of what contributed it to being around a week late. Sorry for the delay, but hopefully it is at least partly worth the wait. A lot of mortals have rituals where the wealthy dead get […]

Wandering Monsters: The Restless Dead

The undead discussion wraps up (for now) with some more ghost-talk. It is not much, but I think it helps provide some much needed distinction between ghosts and specters: ghosts haunt areas and have unfinished business that can still be resolved, while specters are free roaming, their tasks incapable of being completed. In addition to […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Undead

Jon talks undead, specifically ghosts and the ghost-like specter and wraith. He first asks about the visual differences between the three. No mechanics, just that if you described them to a player if they could tell them apart. Based on his descriptions and art, I could say that save for the ghost and spectre yeah, they […]

Wandering Monsters: The Ancient Dead

Wandering Monsters continues its undead theme, this time with mummies and liches. MUMMIES Right off the bat I am not liking that they serve as guardians of eeevil. What if someone volunteers? What if an entire culture is actually okay with this? What if being turned into a mummy to protect something (or someone) is […]

Wandering Monsters: The Walking Dead

Undead make great dungeon fodder; they are easy to justify in the dungeon setting, and there are lots of low-level choices to work with. While a lot are unintelligent, even the smart ones tend to be evil so as an added plus you do not have to feel guilty for hacking them apart (though you […]