4W/FF: Obligatory Pirate Campaign, Sessions 1 & 2

Cast Captain Melech (2nd-level human warlord) Obed (2nd-level “human” cleric) Ushi (2nd-level ship kobold wizard) Synopsis The first adventure had the party go to a small island that was dominated by a small, ruined fortress, and surrounded by countless headstones. They dug up one of the graves at random, which prompted a bunch of skeletons […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Keep on the Shadowfell, Part 2

Cast Embra (1st-level dwarf wizard) Ivanna (1st-level elf ranger) Maria’s Warlord-Whose-Name-I-Didn’t-Get (1st-level tarchon warlord) Thirur (1st-level dwarf fighter) Summary Maria was jonesing for a game last Sunday, and as luck would have it we were going to play(test) some more 4Ward/FrankenFourth. We invited her to join in, warning her that our kids—who are currently more […]

Dungeon World: The Monk

The Monk is out, and has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles, giving you two ways to pick it up, at a discount, along with a bunch of other high-quality playbooks. It’s a largely unarmed martial artist that can shift between various fighting styles. I say “largely” because some […]

A Sundered World: Dwarf and Shaman

While A Sundered World is out for it’s first round of feedback, between other stuff (like new classes, magic items, art commissions, and playtesting a variety of games) we’ve been wrapping up the last bit of art. Here’s the WIP dwarf and shaman (still need to add in more details to both), two things that I […]

Trick-or-Treat: The Oni

It’s that time again! Throughout October we’ll be randomly choosing a class, and for a random period of time knock 31% off of it’s selling price. First up is The Oni, a japanese demon that’s tough and strong, but can also turn invisible and change it’s shape, which is perfect for instilling terror or just playing tricks. This […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Keep on the Shadowfell

Cast Embra (1st-level dwarf wizard) Ivanna (1st-level elf ranger) Thirur (1st-level dwarf fighter) Summary While we wait to see if our weekly group will want to play this game in a “for realsies” campaign (which I don’t expect to happen until our current A Sundered World campaign ends/the group really wants to), we decided to convert our […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth Playtest

A few players had to again cancel our A Sundered World campaign, so I figured Melissa and I could run through a playtest of yet another game we’re working on. This one uses elements from our dice-pool dungeon crawler (like simple-yet-flexible characters), and various editions of Dungeons & Dragons (mostly the d20 mechanic and simplified skill ranks). She suggested asking the players that were still […]

An Essential Sandbox: Session 4 Play Report

D&D: Frankenstein’s Monster Edition Cast Embra (3rd-level dwarf evocation mage) Livina (3rd-level dragonborn inspiring warlord) Paion (3rd-level human sun warpriest) Thirur (3rd-level dwarf axe slayer) Summary The party arrived at Gillmore Estate. They knew that it had been overtaken by a group of bandits, but had no idea how many, nor their capabilities. They scouted […]

An Essential Sandbox: Session 3 Play Report

Cast Embra (2nd-level dwarf evocation mage) Meira (2nd-level gnome cunning bard) Thirur (2nd-level dwarf axe slayer) Summary About a week after their return to Black Hollow, Embra and Thirur were approached by Meira, a gnome bard. She told them that a madness was slowly gripping the people and animals of Aston, a small village several […]

An Essential Sandbox: Session 2 Play Report

Cast Embra (2nd-level dwarf evocation mage) Paion (2nd-level human sun warpriest) Thirur (2nd-level dwarf axe slayer) Summary The party came across a cave about a day and a half out from Black Hollow. They’d been hired to locate a tribe of lizardfolk that had been abducting farmers and exterminate them. If they came back with […]