The Wayward Wyrmling Review

Warning: This is an adventure review that contains spoilers. I remember back in the days of Old Editions Past when dragons had hard-wired personalities based on whether their scales were made from metal or simply gone over with a Crayola, with metallic dragons usually having a Good component appended to their alignment. Like most “Always X […]

The Crawling Fane Review

A level 3 adventure for the Chaos Scar adventure path, The Crawling Fane pits the characters against a duergar named Hargash who fled his home city to avoid being killed for worshipping a bizarre, vermin-based god named Chitteruk. “Chitteruk” is in fact a made-up god created by the meteor in order to get Hargash working for […]

Eyes in the Forest Review

I’m a fan of a few Chaos Scar adventures, preferring the entertaining, compact experience over that of the larger adventure modules which all too often seem like the author is trying to pack two levels worth of shit where it doesnt want to fit. I think Wizards really has something here with the whole five-ish […]

Review: Dead by Dawn

Another Chaos Scar adventure by Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel? Shit yes. Dead By Dawn is intended for level 2 characters, and is (according to Aeryn‘s Facebook page) written as an homage to both Evil Dead and Night of the Living Dead. Like Penny Arcade the difference between an homage and derivative, to me, depends entirely on […]

The Tainted Spiral

You know what? Fuck it. Just rename this adventure path to, “Blackdirge’s Most Excellent Adventure Path,” since he’s responsible for the only two adventures that I’d bother to run (counting this one). I like The Tainted Spiral because its got a simple, strong theme thats consistent and logical. Its short enough to entertain for an […]

Den of the Slave Takers Review

The second adventure for Chaos Scar is out. The backstory to Den of the Slavetakers is pretty confusing: you have gnoll slaver(s) that are actually using their slaves for “death rituals” whatever a botched witherling is instead of selling them, a halfling packing a meteor shard that is using it to create fucked up homunculi […]

Stick in the Mud Review

I realize that when I like something, I dont use swear words nearly as much. Stick in the Mud is the first official adventure for Chaos Scar. Its for level 1 characters, and actually wont provide enough XP to net a level (a bit over half, I think). There’s only about five encounters, making it […]

Dungeon: The Chaos Scar

Looks like Wizards is rolling out another campaign that is about a meteor plummeting out of the sky, destroying a large amount of real estate, and attracting lots of monsters of various level and alignment ranges (mostly Unaligned through Chaotic Evil, kplzthx). Its more or less supposed to be player driven, heavily supporting the, “Say […]