FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 602

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary Before Corzale could shout out a warning, the dragon exhaled a stream of acid, striking all but Doppelfilge, Auric, and Cenric. Now that it had their attention and most of them were severely wounded, it made them […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 601

Cast Humal (level 10 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 10 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 10 elf rogue/ranger) Summary Since the party would need to wait over a week for Humal’s doppelgangers to finish brewing, in addition to recuperating they took the time to purchase new armor, the diagram for a teleportation circle, and round […]

Dungeons & Delvers One-Shot With Skinner Games

The folks over at Skinner Games took the latest version of Dungeons & Delvers for a (pretty lengthy) spin: if you’re curious what they thought about the game (especially without any guidance from its creators), give it a watch (or listen, it’s nearly three hours long)! Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can […]

FrankenFourth: The Cover & Other Art

Aaand here’s the pretty much finished cover for FrankenFourth (courtesy of Melissa): Here’s a few other bits of art (not to scale): Chimera, death cultist, and ogre (I’ll let you figure out which is which). Announcements If you’re curious about FrankenFourth and/or Dungeons & Delvers, you can find public alpha documents here and here respectively.The Rogue […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 510

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Summary The party pursued the maybe fleeing Bozal-Worm, retracing their path back to the Coenoby. They were delayed by a pair of Kyuss zombies that Bozal-Worm had deposited in the first flooded chamber, and by the time […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 509

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Summary As soon as Sumia finished describing as best she could the bloated amalgamation of Bozal and Kyuss worm within the room, there was a muffled groaning of metal. When she peered through the hole again the […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 508 & 1.4 Update

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Summary While the rest of the party rested, Humal examined the remains of the alkilith: its ichor would be useful in creating potent acid and toxic gases, while the remains of its hide could be fashioned into […]

FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 508

Cast Humal (level 9 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 9 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 9 elf rogue/ranger) Kuhnja’bi (level 9 human w/ devil-in-the-details fighter) Summary Peeking through the northern door, Sumia saw that it led to a grimly furnished chamber. To her, anyway: Humal would probably want to speak to whoever decorated it. Numerous […]

A Paladin, Rogue, and Blackguard Walk Into a Barrow…

I’ve been pretty sick for the past week or so, but this week rather than just cancel Jacob was generous enough to run a Dungeon World one-shot  (probably). Maria played The Blackguard, I played The Paladin (making it I think the first paladin I’ve ever played), and Melissa did a bit of playtesting with our upcoming rogue. Since […]

FrankenFourth: Waste Not, Want Not

I’ve recently finished Mad Max (fortunately picked it up on a sale for only $10, but still bleh) and started up Final Fantasy 15. One of the things I noticed about it is that, similar to Final Fantasy 12, when you kill monsters you get parts instead of gil. For example, reapertails (one of the first […]