4E D&D: Save the Princess, Episode 102

Cast Aka (1st-level red panda hengeyokai slayer) Kabuto (1st-level warforged vampire) Mirai (1st-level human cleric/shaman hybrid) Sho (1st-level spirit-folk cursed swordmage) Synopsis On their second day of slogging across the crater, the party came across a wooden, stalk-like growth that snaked up into the sky. Its branches gripped a series of stone platforms at various […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 404

Cast Humal (level 5 wrathful cambion wizard) Corzale (level 5 dwarf war cleric) Sumia (level 5 elf rogue/ranger) Summary After recovering their equipment, the characters learned from the surviving doppelganger that Filge had been captured by them (answering the question as to whether he had betrayed the characters), and that he was currently imprisoned somewhere […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Armor & Defense Playtest

I mentioned in this post that we were considering changing adventurer Defenses to static values and giving monsters Attack Pools, and today we finally got around to running three playtests back-to-back to see how it (plus armor-as-Wounds) worked in actual play. The short answer is great. The game ran just as quickly and smoothly as […]

A Sundered World: Updated Color Books

Some time in April I think, DriveThruRPG announced that Lightning Source was going to transition to another type of paper for their color books, which meant that publishers would have to submit new files, order proofs, and ultimately retire the originals. The updated color softcover proof came back a while ago and has already been […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Defense & Armor Overhaul

Something I’ve been considering for Dungeons & Delvers, besides giving classes scaling Wounds and alternating between gaining Skills and Talents when you level up (Skill + Talent at each level seems to be a tad too much of a jump in competency), is changing adventurer Defenses to static Block and Dodge values. Similar to Dungeon […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 8

The previous A Sundered World: More Stuffs preview provided a few glimpses about dwarves, one of the more “normal” default races. This time I’m going to touch on the weirdest race: the t’pual. T’pual were originally bodiless psychic entities that inhabited another dimension. They were preyed upon by the thulid, who could sense and contain them to […]

Temple of Elemental Evil: The Last Stand

Our daughter wanted to play Wrath of Ashardalon so she could try and slay the eponymous dragon, but a few years ago I sleeved all the cards, and since they wouldn’t fit back in the box I put them in another box with a shitload of other cards from at least Descent: Journey in the Dark, Super Dungeon […]

A Sundered World: More Character Stuff Preview 7

Dwarves are one of the more “normal” races in A Sundered World: they’re pretty much like what you’d expect of a dwarf in other games/settings, except that as they age they begin to slowly turn to stone (“returning to stone”), and they completely turn to stone when they die. Case in point, here’s a WIP […]

4E D&D: Save the Princess, Episode 101

Cast Aka (1st-level red panda hengeyokai slayer) Kabuto (1st-level warforged vampire) Mirai (1st-level human cleric/shaman hybrid) Sho (1st-level spirit-folk cursed swordmage) Synopsis As the characters continued their trek towards the crater, they came across wagon ruts and tracks in the mud. Hoping that it wasn’t somehow more fungus zombies, they quickened their pace and soon […]