Dungeon World: The Monk

The Monk is out, and has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles, giving you two ways to pick it up, at a discount, along with a bunch of other high-quality playbooks. It’s a largely unarmed martial artist that can shift between various fighting styles. I say “largely” because some […]

A Sundered World: Dwarf and Shaman

While A Sundered World is out for it’s first round of feedback, between other stuff (like new classes, magic items, art commissions, and playtesting a variety of games) we’ve been wrapping up the last bit of art. Here’s the WIP dwarf and shaman (still need to add in more details to both), two things that I […]

Trick-or-Treat: The Oni

It’s that time again! Throughout October we’ll be randomly choosing a class, and for a random period of time knock 31% off of it’s selling price. First up is The Oni, a japanese demon that’s tough and strong, but can also turn invisible and change it’s shape, which is perfect for instilling terror or just playing tricks. This […]

Dungeon World: Grave Goods

10+ Treasures: Grave Goods is out (and has been added to our 10+ Treasure Trove Bundle)! As with 10+ Treasures: Wonders of the Wyld, this collection of magic items follows a theme: undead. The fourth entry in the 10+ Treasures line features 29 magic items, including a club that ensures the undead stay dead, claws that cause you […]

Dungeon World: Monster Mash One(?)-Shot

Cast Czernabog (level 2 lich) Gygor (level 2 rakshasa) Unathi (level 2 jumping spider) Summary Under the cloak of night, the Three descended upon the hapless village of Holder. Well, not right away. They made a brief detour to a random farmer’s house, where Gygor disguising himself as an elderly woman in need. When the farmer opened […]

I Made a GM Screen For Dungeon World

(Note: I meant to post this a few months ago, but forgot about it until recently. Better late than never and all that.) Back when I started working on a GM Screen for Dungeon World, I remember being pretty surprised that no one else had tried their hand at making even a semi-professional looking one […]

RPGaDAY2015: Days 24 Through 28

Been really busy the past few days (releasing a new class, writing yet another book, running some games, playing other games, writing/arting A Sundered World, doing some commission work, playtesting a thing that we can’t talk about yet, etc), so here’s another RPGaDay catch-up post. Day 24: Favorite House Rule I’ve already mentioned in earlier RPGaDay posts, that […]

Dungeon World: The Swordmage

The Swordmage is out (and has been added to the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles). Though it draws some inspiration from the 4th Edition class of the same name, it is not a line-by-line conversion. It’s essentially fighter/wizard hybrid that uses their magic to make ranged attacks, bolster their melee skills, and resist […]