Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes: The Skull (WIP)

This is the very first cover I ever did art for: This was all me. I don’t want to sully Melissa’s name with my shoddy attempt at coloring. It’s awful and I hate it, but I did it because other indie people that I talked to at the time told me it was fine. I was […]

Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes Art Update

The same guys responsible for the awesome German version of Dungeon World and Lichfield also want to translate Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes. It was the second thing we ever did, which was before we were really doing our own art, so it didn’t have any art, which means of course we needed to […]

KickstARTing Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes?

So you might have heard of this Kickstarter a while ago, in which Jason Lutes very transparently lets you know exactly how much money he needs and where it is going. Given that I have been burned by more than a few Kickstarters (well, the ones that actually delivered), I really appreciated this transparency as it […]

Free RPG Day: Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes

Short update: as part of Free RPG Day I am making Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes free for the day Pay What You Want forever, as well as marking everything else down by 50%. DOUBLE EDIT: Apparently I assumed I had it set to Pay What You Want, but if you set PWYW on a product […]

Dungeon World: The Mummy (And Other Stuff)

First up, the mummy playbook is now available on Drivethrurpg. This was something Melissa was really keen on doing once we wrapped up our skeleton playbook, and after several bouts of playtesting and some excellent feedback we are pretty happy with the results: virtually unkillable, flexible curses, can vomit forth clouds of sand or vermin, […]

Dungeon World: Mummy Playtest, Part 2

Cast Ruzzah (lizardfolk bog mummy) Far away, someone was wading through the grass. It would take a few steps, stop, crouch, then stand and move a few more steps before again stopping. Her best guess was that, whatever it was, it was looking for something in the grass. Maybe it was a local. A local […]

Dungeon World: Mummy Playtest, Part 1

As Ruzzah was flung towards the tree, she had just enough time to reflect on the fact that at least she would not feel any pain. Her next thought was that she really wished Varash had not brought her back to life. Or rather unlife, as she was still quite dead. She had been floating […]

Dungeon World: Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes

Our second product, Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes, is finally up on Drivethrurpg. This is a side project that I have been working on when not bugging Josh about A Sundered World, though ultimately he contributed a good deal to the writing. It is a “campaign front foundation” for Dungeon World that, as the name implies, […]