
Awhile back, due to someone’s recommendation, I joined a Dungeons & Dragons art group on Facebook. Now Melissa and I have made a shitload of art (that link shows like half of what we’ve done), and I knew there were at least a few illustrations that would catch shit, so I started out playing it safe and […]

Won’t Somebody PLEASE Think of the Community!

About a week ago Mark (Diaz Truman) wrote a really long post. In part of it he blames the entirely of the story gamer “community” for the (what he considers to be) sins of a handful, and in another part he virtue signals his ass off with the usual social justice rhetoric, which includes throwing […]

Until Dawn Review

Trigger Warnings: Spoilers, Misogyny, Transmisogyny, Internalized Misogyny, Trigger Warnings, Externalized Misogyny, Transpoilers, Pansexualphobia, Straight White Men, Homophobia, Transphobia, Toxic Masculinity, Male Gaze, Heteronormitivitivity, Mansplaining, Literal Rape, Racism, Unchecked Privilege, Implied Rape, Sexist Weather, Cultural Appropriation, Oppression, Objectification, Ableism, Supplied Rape, Bropression, Neglect Rape, and Masculine Toxicity. Until Dawn is a survival horror game that centers around a group of eight teenagers, who […]

God of Social Justice War

Though God of War is billed as a “third person action-adventure game”, it can be better described as a culturally appropriated, misogynistic toxic male power fantasy: Kratos, a very muscular, very abled, whiter-than-white man slaughters hordes of monsters in hopes of being able to just write off the unforgivable crime of killing his own wife. The start […]

Giving the Immolator the Cold Shoulder

Sometime last August there was a charity that you could donate to in order to get early access to the immolator, a Dungeon World class made by the actual creators of Dungeon World. Sounds exciting, right?…right? I can’t find the link anymore, but it was yet another charity aimed solely at getting women into tech, because as […]

The "Needs" of the Few

A while back someone made a post on Google+, asking why the rakshasa in Dungeons & Dragons has a tiger head. Though his family had come from India, he had not, and he even admitted to not having a meaningful education of Hindu mythology. I explained to him that not sticking to mythology is a Dungeons & Dragons thing […]

A SJW (Pathetically) Strikes Back

Waaay back in November I wrote a post about someone asking if he had said something wrong in one of Tim’s pity posts. The short of it is that someone made a joke at Tim’s character’s expense, so he did what no rational, well-adjusted adult would do: he went on the internet and whined about it, […]

Dungeon World: What’s In a Name

UPDATE (5/31/2016): Didn’t think I’d ever have to update this again, but RPG Pundit started a thread on his site in which he goes over the advice he gave me following Paul “Ettin” derailing a Kickstarter thread I started on last year I mentioned that someone told me that there’s a forum where someone […]

When SJWs & RPGs Collide

Someone in my circles made a post yesterday asking whether anyone felt that what he had said in another post was “wrong”. When he mentioned Dungeon World I had a pretty good idea where things were going, but as soon as he mentioned Tim and Tracy I not only knew exactly what was coming next, but […]