Rule of Three: Tactical Combat, Maneuvers, and Vancian Magic

While two out of three is normally a pretty good ratio of success, the part that I did not like was the one that mattered the most to me: Despite owning Players Option: Combat & Tactics for many years, I never used the rules on facing. Actually I never used most of the rules, though if I did […]

Rule-of-Three: Clerics, Advantage, and Tactics

Full article can be found here. Clerics & DomainsThough I liked how 3rd Edition made it easier for clerics to be the heal-bot by swapping out spells for healing magic on a whim, I did not like how being Good required you to channel positive energy, while evil required negative energy (which made it harder […]

Rule-of-Three 04/24/2012

Looks like the action economy might tank harder than America’s, which apparently is being reduced to “do one thing, and you can also move if you want”. I know that fighter bonus attacks were being pitched as free actions, so that characters multiclassing into fighter could still benefit from them, but I wonder how they […]

Rule-of-Three: 04/03/2012

On one hand, I think it is good to see that many of the best parts of 4th Edition are at least being considered for inclusion in 5th Edition; themes, exploits, at-will magic, rituals (though I recall that being in 3rd Edition in some form or other), non-magical healing, etc. On the other hand, I […]

Rule-of-Three: 03/27/2012

So it looks like character progression is regressing back to 3rd Edition, which conceptually I actually have no problem with. Conceptually. I prefer the concept and execution of 4th Edition’s multiclassing mechanics because it seemed a lot more “realistic” in that you did not spontaneously gain a working knowledge of a multitude of weapons, spellcasting, or […]

Rule-of-Three: Pixies

In addition to Totem Expertise and Two-Handed Weapon Expertise, the other content tidbit from Heroes of the Feywild is that pixies will have a flying cap of 1 square. Reactions and interpretations are varied, with some stating that WotC should have waited for a better solution, and others expecting as such. Others are confused by what […]

Rule-of-Three 09/12/2011

I might have already said this, but I appreciate Mearls entrenching himself into the festering cesspool where the worst of the vocal minority lair, readying piles of vitriolic feces to hurl whenever he dares to open his mouth. Surprisingly this week’s thread is pretty tame, but which I mean to say that there is roughly […]