#RPGaDay: Which RPGs are the easiest for you to run?

Before I get into this day, I’m going to lightning-round tackle the previous three: Day 19 (best writing): Unsure. Depends on what you mean. I’ve seen 400+ page books that fail to sufficiently explain the game, and I’ve seen 10ish page “games” that I either have no desire to play or are at best good […]

#RPGaDay: Which RPG do you enjoy using as is?

Right now that would obviously be Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book, because I specifically designed it to do everything I wanted it to do (which is what I assume is the goal of most game designers), but who knows there might be things that crop up in the future that I’ll want to add/change/remove. Otherwise there aren’t […]

#RPGaDay: Whch RPG has the most inspiring art?

If we have to go with core games (and not supplements, settings, adventures and the like), then 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons. A lot of the art from 3rd and 4th Edition (while perhaps usually more…I dunno, technically proficient?) is characters standing around, maybe doing something (like aiming a bow, picking a lock, or attacking […]

#RPGaDay: Where do you go for RPG reviews?

I’ve found that far too often people for whatever reason (money, popularity, the “status” of being a reviewer that gets free shit, friends of the creator, creator is backing their Patreon, etc) lie, exaggerate (I groan every time I see a game described as amazing/excellent/inspiring), and/or are so biased that they barely mention anything bad […]

#RPGaDay: What is a good RPG to play for sessions of 2 hours or less?

Melissa and I actually have only really done 2-hour sessions for the past few years, and while it’s primarily been Dungeon World or the Black Book (with the occasional playtest session for other games) I think a lot of games would work just fine: just plan out however many rooms/areas/encounters you think your group could reasonably tackle […]

#RPGaDay: What RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?

To keep things a bit simpler, I’m going to limit my options to games I actually own and/or have played. In alphabetical order… Dungeons & Delvers (both Black Book and the kids’ version): you get a handful of various characters confronting a dragon (but it could have also been another monster or even group of monsters). Black […]