RPGaDAY2015: Days 24 Through 28

Been really busy the past few days (releasing a new class, writing yet another book, running some games, playing other games, writing/arting A Sundered World, doing some commission work, playtesting a thing that we can’t talk about yet, etc), so here’s another RPGaDay catch-up post. Day 24: Favorite House Rule I’ve already mentioned in earlier RPGaDay posts, that […]

RPGaDAY2015: Perfect Game For You

After playing Dungeon World for years I’ve come to identify a number of flaws. Some, like everything about the undertake a perilous journey move, are comparatively simple to fix. Others, like miss results not always making sense/taking a while to come up with, not so much. I decided a long time ago that, rather than keep […]

RPGaDAY2015: Favorite Fantasy RPG

My answer to this question depends on whether the game is “supposed” to published or not. If we’re talking finished, published role-playing games, then my answer would of course be a houseruled 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons: there’s nothing it can’t do with some minor, easy tweaking, if that. Otherwise, I’m going with Dungeons & Delvers, which […]

RPGaDay2015: Most Recent RPG Played

Even though we didn’t get a chance to play our current A Sundered World campaign yesterday, we were still pretty busy: something with Super Dungeon Explore, wrapping up the cover and interior art for The Rakshasa, and some talk about an adventure (not sure if I’ll be doing it for Dungeon World, though) and Dungeons & Delvers. […]

RPGaDay2015: Favorite New Game of the Last 12 Months

Back 2011, or maybe it was 2012, I bought a bunch of role-playing games: The Dying Earth, CthulhuTech, Exalted 2nd Edition, Call of Cthulhu,  and Dragon Age to name a few. My group never played more than once a week, and I knew there were some they’d never be interested in playing (like Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, and […]

RPGaDay2015: Days 1 & 2

I skipped out on Day 1, mostly because I was out most of the day, partially because there really aren’t any games I’m particularly looking forward to. At least on the RPG scene: video and board games are another story. I mean, I’m looking forward to getting my next three games done (game-games, not A […]