SJWs & Meaningless Awards (And Games, And Titles)

Maybe it’s just the people in my circles, maybe it’s the people they have circled—probably a combination of both—but whining about “social justice” without actually doing anything seems to be a pretty popular trend on Google+ well, not nowadays, but for at least the past few months or so. I’ve heard that it’s even worse on […]

Vampire: The Classquerade

Mearls made the big reveal on Monday that the vampire class was deliberately designed, as is, to try and provide a class option that could closely emulate one or more vampire entries in the Monster Manual. This is a reasonable goal that I tried to attain with my homebrew red dragon race/class; take a critter […]

The Ease of Essentials

Designing a class or sub-class with pre-specified class features and/or powers, aka “Essentials-style”, is easier than one without because there are often fewer choices to make throughout your career. For example a fighter gets to pick at least four exploits at 1st-level, one at 2nd, and so on and so forth all the way to 30th-level. […]

D&D Limits Adventure Design?

This is going to be one of those ranty posts, so if you aren’t a fan of those then I would just move along. So over at Paizo’s messageboards they for some reason have elected to keep the 4th Edition sub-forum, which means that from time to time I duck it and scope things out […]

Heroes of Shadow Reactions

Due to a combination of some Heroes of Shadow reviews providing misinformation on just how much–if not all–material was Essentials only, and people who believe that stuff in an Essentials book is somehow incompatible (or even more laughably, a separate edition by any degree), I am not surprised to find 20-30 page forum threads of […]

Legends & Lore: Minis

Not pictured: the other sandwich bags, plastic tubs, and assorted clutter on the bookshelves. I have a lot of minis. I’m pretty sure a looong time ago, I made a post talking about how much I like using minis in my D&D games. I’ve been using minis since I started out with Basic, which consisted of some solid-red […]

Magic Item Wishlists

It’s probably just the orange light bulb from the Pulp Fiction Briefcase. In the last 2nd Edition campaign I played in, we rarely if ever found treasure. I remember getting a +1 two-handed sword (+2 versus undead!) at third level, and I think a suit of +1 chainmail went to the cleric at sixth. I don’t recall […]

Making a Character

I’m going to open with a very simple visual aid. …and… Got it? The mission statement for Dungeons & Dragons characters is very, very straightforward: you’re an adventurer/hero/glorified vagrant that kills things and steals their shit (often in that order). The game doesn’t even try to hide this fact, and so I find it very odd when a player bellies up to the […]

Random Character Flops

Almost two years ago, back when Dungeon Delve was released, a then friend of mine wanted to try running the level 30 delve to see what end-game was all about. I can’t remember if the offline Character Builder was out of Beta at this time, but after spending an hour or so building my own party […]

The Internet is All Gone?

Trawling the forums I found a thread questioning about whether or not people upset at Wizards of the Coast logically protecting their intellectual property from piracy–while at the same time making it easier to implement updates–by adopting an online-only model, would cause fans of 4th Edition to cancel their DDI subscriptions and/or say fuck-all […]