Dungeons & Delvers: Rangers & Favored Enemy

Rangers getting some sort of bonus against some monsters has been around since at least 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons. In 2nd Edition you had to choose either a monster category or a specific monster before reaching 2nd level. Examples provided are giants, orcs, lizard men, trolls, or ghouls. I don’t recall any guidelines, so […]

Dungeon World: The Ranger

The Ranger is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Alternative Classes, Adventuring Party, and Wilderness Survival bundles over on DriveThruRPG (so if you’ve bought a bunch of our stuff already, check those out for a “complete the bundle option” to save some cash). The core package of the ranger is hunting, […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Issue 6

The sixth issue of Appendix D has been added to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (for free of course, just check the product page for another PDF download). It increases the level cap of the monk, ranger, and warlock to 10 (along with some new talents for each), adds the bard class (also with 10 levels), some […]

Legends & Lore: Wednesday Packet

There is a new playtest packet coming out this week, and just in time for the debut of my sandbox playtest campaign, to boot. There will be new classes and spells, as well as some changes to the math, fighter, skills, two-weapon fighting, and more. DruidThe druid sounds like a kitbash of 3rd and 4th […]

DDN Blog: Ranger Design Goals

With what we have seen of backgrounds and themes the more I read about these design goals, the more I wonder if D&D would just be better served as a point buy-like system in the vein of Dresden Files, Exalted, Shadowrun, etc, where you accrue XP and spend it on things or increase existing things. Plenty […]

Meet The Scout

An Essentials take of the melee ranger, the scout is a martial/primal hybrid that can either emphasize swords or axes, gaining a bonus to accuracy or damage respectively. Like rangers, scouts can use their Dexterity modifier for attack and damage with their melee basic attacks, and make a free attack once per round when they […]

Earth, Horses, and Monkies

The earth domain gives warpriests a third option that emphasizes protecting allies and applying your Constitution modifier to kicker effects, such as bonus damage and forced movement. It runs the entire thirty level stretch, but seems somewhat limited in scope, since there aren’t a lot of gods that involve themselves with stone except for like, […]

I Gotch’yer Martial Controller Right Here!

I say in a poorly affected Brooklyn accent, while grabbing and vigorously shaking my balls. So in October’s installment of Bill Slavicsek’s Ampersand column, the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Ranger was previewed. And finally, everyone who has been clamoring for a martial controller can shut the fuck up and suck contentedly on WotC’s teat. The […]

Garret, Halfling Ranger

Wanted to make a thematic Talenta halfling from Eberron. Alternatively you can just take Mounted Combat and pick up a dinosaur with any class. Garret, level 1Halfling, RangerFighting Style: Beast MasteryBeast Companion Type: LizardBackground: Talenta Plains (+2 to Athletics) FINAL ABILITY SCORESStr 16, Con 11, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10. STARTING ABILITY […]

Class Acts: Ranger

I guess its out earlyish? Maybe you can still get it before its fixed. First things first, the header on the article says “Class Acts: Invoker“. Just a typo, and really…fuck it: the rest is undiluted awesome. The exploits are all weapon-ranged, giving them lots of utility while pimping some heavy controller mechanics. For example, […]