Dungeon World: Classy Questions

Something that I’ve done in both A Sundered World and Dungeons & Delvers—that the playtesters have really enjoyed—is include a series of race and class questions for the players to answer, in order to help flesh out both their characters and the world. Here are some from the shaman’s list: What is your spirit’s name? Where […]

Wandering Monsters: Mapping the World (Also Q&A)

Looks like we get maps instead of monsters, this week. Though I am not exactly a fan of hex maps it is still a decently informative article that helps put various map scales into perspective. I do question the proposed ratio of 1:10:50; why not go with something like 2:10:50 so that it scales consistently? […]

D&D Q&A: Skills & Proficiencies

Earlier this week it was revealed that skills would be part of the default game (yay!), and we even got to see the current roster (yay…). This week’s Questions & Answers follwup sheds a bit more light on the skill list, how proficiencies work, and if/how you can pick more up. The skill list is mostly […]

DDN Q&A: Skills

If you were wondering why skills were largely jettisoned in the most recent playtest packet, I guess it is to…streamline the game? If you were also wondering why lores were kept (and the bonus drastically inflated), it is because a lot of the players apparently missed being able to be an expert in a field of […]

D&DN Q&A: Math Check

Earlier this week it was revealed that—for now anyway—attack bonuses sans ability score mods would cap at +6, while skills and saves can, in specialized cases anyway, hit +12. The reasons given for this are that attack rolls tend to be made much more frequently, the range for Armor Class is narrower, and the consequences for […]

D&DN Q&A: Feats, Feats, And More Feats

I mentioned earlier this week that I am getting to the point where I think that feats should just be dropped from the game, and this week’s Questions & Answers column does nothing to dissuade me from this stance. Part of it is that classes will get a variable number of opportunities to boost their […]

D&DN Q&A: Cosmology & Monsters

I have mentioned several times now that the best approach for handling the default cosmology is to not give as a default one; give us a toolbox that can effectively construct the cosmologies from official campaign settings, but make it very easy for us to build our own. I guess the other solution is to […]

D&DN Q&A: Legendary Difficulty

Earlier this week we got our first glimpse at 5th Edition’s kind-of answer to 4th Edition’s solo monster. Understandably this raised a lot of questions, some of which are covered by this week’s Questions & Answers column. One of the traits about legendary creatures is that they can have lairs that not only are capable […]

D&D Next Q&A: Weapon Dice, Sorcerer, Warlock, & Feats

NOTE: Phaezen and Sky Roy cleared up a huge misconception on my part. I had assumed that two-weapon fighting reduced the damage dice on both weapons and removed any ability score bonuses, to boot. It turns out that while both attacks take an attack penalty, only the light weapon loses out on the damage bonus, so it […]