Appendix D: Design & Development

Melissa and I are a two-man operation: we do everything in house. While Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book featured a lot of original art (I fucking love the cover), we weren’t sure how people would respond to it what with all the other d20 games out there, so we used art we already had where we could (though […]

Dungeons & Delvers Art Update

One of the reasons it takes us so long to get more RPG stuff, is that we do all of the art ourselves (which we eventually bundle into inexpensive art packs for others to use on commercial projects). Basically I draw some black and white shit, and then Melissa makes it look awesome. Cases in […]

FrankenFourth: Monster Preview

Here’s three of the many monsters that will be featured in the FrankenFourth “black book” (most of the monsters will be illustrated, just depends on if there’s enough space to put one in). Initially this stat block was for a goblin, but (and I forget why) very early on someone suggested replacing it with a boggart and […]

A Sundered World: Mort Tanis

Another A Sundered World supplement is on the way. This time it’s for a city called Mort Tanis, built across an enormous spear that’s impaled a dead spider god. It’s being written by Matthew Bottiglieri, who asked me to take his initial sketch of the city and make it better. Here’s the before: And here’s […]

A Sundered World: A Massive Art Update

As A Sundered World nears completion, Melissa’s been hard at work for the past few days catching up on the art front. Note that this is just six out of some fifty that will be featured in the final book (which will all be made available in an art pack). Announcements We’ve just unleashed The Rakshasa upon Dungeon […]

A Sundered World: Equipment

I’m taking a break from races and monsters, to bring you the WIP illustration for A Sundered World’s equipment chapter. Haven’t finished all the fine detail, and the dwarf is going to have a mechanical limb, which is just one of the many new options for characters. To give you a better idea, here’s a couple pages […]

A Sundered World: The Dwellers in Darkness

Nearly two years ago I wrote a draft on how I envisioned drow fitting into A Sundered World, and not much has changed since then. Actually the only thing that has really changed (aside from switching mechanics from d20 to Powered by the Apocalypse) is that I’m not referring to them as drow at all anymore, just […]

A Really Simple Dungeon Crawl: Art Preview

Here’s a preview of some of the art I’ve been grinding away at for A Really Simple Dungeon Crawl (still thinking of a better, more concise name), in between drawing the cover for our upcoming Dungeon World class, interior art for A Sundered World (which Melissa is coloring), and yet more interior art for Fright Night. I […]

A Sundered World: Another Big-Ass Update

This week’s Sundered World packet is ready to go (including some graphical goodness, courtesy of one of its many fans). I mentioned in our last Dungeon World play report just a portion of the updated content, but to save you the trouble of clicking yet another link I’ll mention it again here: Modified the world move […]

A Sundered World: A Big-Ass Preview

Interested in A Sundered World? Want to see some 240 pages of what I got so far for the Dungeon World version? I am going to make it a point to post an updated version each week just to let people know where I am, as well as to gather as much feedback as possible before […]