A Sundered World: Player Fragments Hardcover Color Books

Just when I was wondering where the hell it was, the hardcover color proof for A Sundered World: Player Fragments showed up! As with the softcover color version, if you already purchased the PDF, look for a print-at-cost discount link in your inbox (assuming your DriveThruRPG account is set so that you can be contacted, that […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments Softcover Color Books

Took far longer than expected, but the softcover color version of A Sundered World: Player Fragments is now available. Hardcover and B&W versions are of course to follow. If you already purchased the PDF, look for a print-at-cost discount link in your inbox (assuming your DriveThruRPG account is set so that you can be contacted, that […]

Dungeon World: The Therianthrope

The Therianthrope is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles. This isn’t a werewolf or were-class that lets you choose from a handful of common animals: it has been specifically designed with flexibility in mind. You start out by choosing a number of features from a […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments Color PDF

Melissa finished coloring the art, so we’ve updated the product files to include the color PDF, and we’re now going through the process of getting print options available (let us know if you catch anything). From the original post:A Sundered World: Player Fragments, the first supplement for A Sundered World, is on sale! If you already […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments

A Sundered World: Player Fragments, the first supplement for A Sundered World, is on sale! If you already purchased A Sundered World, you should get a discount link so you can save yourself a buck (just make sure your DriveThru account is set to receive email from publishers). Inside its 124 pages you’ll get: New race, […]