A Sundered World: Player Fragments Hardcover Color Books

Just when I was wondering where the hell it was, the hardcover color proof for A Sundered World: Player Fragments showed up! As with the softcover color version, if you already purchased the PDF, look for a print-at-cost discount link in your inbox (assuming your DriveThruRPG account is set so that you can be contacted, that […]

A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral Color Softcover

Softcover color proof in for The Golden Spiral finally came in. Looks great, so if you want a physical copy you can pick one up over here. Here’s some pictures: From the original post: So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged […]

A Sundered World: Player Fragments Softcover Color Books

Took far longer than expected, but the softcover color version of A Sundered World: Player Fragments is now available. Hardcover and B&W versions are of course to follow. If you already purchased the PDF, look for a print-at-cost discount link in your inbox (assuming your DriveThruRPG account is set so that you can be contacted, that […]

Dungeon World: The Rogue

The Rogue is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Adventuring Party, and Alternative Classes bundles over on DriveThruRPG. This class deviates from the thief in more than name. Backstab is replaced with sneak attack, which is more flexible and doesn’t contradict the rulebook about attacking things unawares, stealthy and […]

A Sundered World: The Golden Spiral

So this is that snail cult adventure thing I’ve been working on and playtesting using FrankenFourth (though to be clear this version is for Dungeon World), all packaged up and ready to unleash upon your own players! It’s a pretty straightforward dungeon crawl, though there are questions to ask your players, several suggested ways to start the […]

Dungeon World: The Troll

The Troll is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles over on DriveThruRPG. Strong and tough, you can easily hurl objects and creatures about, and shrug off blows and effects that would fell or cripple lesser creatures. The only thing you fear is the sun’s light: it […]

Dungeon World: The Blackguard

The Blackguard is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles over on DriveThruRPG. This dark reflection of the paladin isn’t hindered by meaningless virtues. Cruel and terrifying, you are more than capable of slaughtering those foolish enough to stand before you (such as virtuous souls, not […]

Dungeon World: The Dragon

The Dragon is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles over on DriveThruRPG. Take to the skies (with or without wings), annihilate your enemies from a distance with a devastating breath weapon, or close in to tear them apart with fang and claw, shrugging off their […]

Dungeon World: The Rakshasa

The Rakshasa is out! (Note: It has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Monster Mash bundles over on DriveThru, so if you want to get it along with a bunch of other high-quality and -content playbooks, there ya go.) As with The Ghoul, The Mummy, The Vampire, The Oni, and The Golem, this class more closely adheres to […]

Dungeon World: The Headhunter

The Headhunter is out! (And has been added to both the All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles over on DriveThru. I also reduced it by 25% due to the Christmas in July sale, so until that’s over you’ll save more getting it by itself.) This is a pretty crazy class. You basically kill […]