Dungeons & Delvers: Owlbear

Our revised take on the owlbear for Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book: The previous incarnation was more inline with Dungeons & Dragons, essentially a bear with an owl’s head, maybe some other bird-like features. I wanted to do something more interesting with it, and eventually came up with the idea of giving them wings so […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Owlbear

Owlbears are an iconic Dungeons & Dragons monster. They’re possibly created by a wizard, likely bored, because the end result is that they’re essentially just a slightly stronger brown bear with an owl’s head. While thinking of ways to re-imagine various monsters for Dungeons & Delvers (such as myconids, the mimic, and grimlock), I thought about if there […]

Wandering Monsters: Basic Beasties

This week takes a brief look at some classics; the bulette (aka landshark), manticore, owlbear, and pseudodragon. I could not find any stats for the bulette in Next, but if the manticore and owlbear are any indication I am guessing that it is going to be about as…straightforward as it was in 3rd Edition, where […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Making of an Owlbear, Part 2

Another encounter with owlbears? At least, to a point, it indicates that they are paying attention. I never really liked the whole “a wizard did it” treatment. Not just because I have no seen magic that let a wizard fuse two things together–which could be pretty awesome–but because it also seems lazy. Even so I like […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: The Making of an Owlbear

It has been hard keeping up with a homebrew campaign, a homebrew ruleset, blogging, and…well…Diablo III, so I will try to keep this brief: I prefer the first owlbear he pitches, as it looks more bear than…gorilla, I guess? Do not get me wrong, the second one certainly looks menacing, even if it seems to be […]

Supporting Cast: Owlbear Companion

Wyatt’s got a thing where he makes sample companions, which got me for some reason thinking about the baby owlbear from The Whispering Cairn. Companions were “officially” introduced in Dungeon Master’s Guide 2, and are mostly used to fill out empty party slots and/or as guest stars for an encounter or two. I think they […]