Wandering Monsters: Dungeon Denizens

And here I was starting to think that we were just not going to get a Wandering Monster article this week which, given the playtest packet that is getting released today, I could forgive. Well, maybe. Depends on what it looks like. Gelatinous CubeI always thought it was weird that gelatinous cubes were uniform in size. […]

Monster Vault: Otyughs

Not merely an otyugh but a neo-otyugh, which is a psionically endowed super smelly crap-trap. Checking D&D Compendium, it looks like they’d never made it into 4th Edition until now. I wonder why? They’re basically otyugh turned up to 11. Like otyughs, they have a stench aura, but these guys are Huge, have a threatening reach of four, […]