Interactive Gamma World Character Sheet

Though Gamma World lacks its own Character Builder, you can make a character online via this interactive character sheet–with no subscription required. You can randomly generate everything about the character that you’d expect, though there are drop-down menus if you want to choose your options manually. The only glitch I noticed was that the first time messing […]

Virtual Table Overview

After uninstalling and reinstalling Java 6, I finally managed to get Virtual Table to load. I’ve never used other online mapping tools before (or really played online), so while I can’t make a comparison I can go over what I like/don’t like about it. Before I go on please understand that this is the beta software, there […]

Virtual Table Announcement

Invites are going out some time today for the “friends and family” beta for Virtual Table, with D&D Insider invitations being passed out at an undetermined point in the future (aka, “later”). There’s a FAQ here, and a thread about it here. So far we’ve got this screen cap: There are concerns about increased pricing, […]

Web-Based Character Builder

Note: There’s apparently some confusion about my stance on the whole web-based direction that Wizards of the Coast is taking Character Builder. First, I don’t mind if it requires internet access. That’s a perfectly acceptable response to some fans’ stance of picking up a month of DDI a year, or every so often, to get a […]