Mythoard: April Signups Are Open!

You can now signup for April’s Mythoard box, which will include, among other things, Lichfield, a semi-exclusive adventure for Dungeon World. I’ve already talked about it in two other posts, but essentially it’s a 30-page adventure that’s inspired by the Silent Hill series (hence the name, as opposed to the longer ones I’ve used in the past). […]

Another Mythoard Semi-Exclusive Teaser

Last week I posted a teaser for Lichfield, a semi-exclusive, Silent Hill-esque adventure I’ve written for next month’s Mythoard box (semi-exclusive as in you’ll be able to pick it up separately in October). This week I figured I’d talk about some of its contents. The meat of the adventure runs about 30 pages. It is largely intended […]

Mythoard Adventure (Semi) Exclusive Teaser

A few months ago I was tapped to write a semi-exclusive adventure for Mythoard’s April package. For those not in the know, Mythoard is a service where you pay $25 for a box of tabletop goodies on the cheap (and if you go in for at least three months, you can save even more cash). […]