Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium Review

Book Three of the Magic Item Triumvirate packages both the usual suspects and some newer additions into 159 pages. In addition to your typical roster of magic gear you also get new weapons–along with associated feats–armors, and implements, as well as artifacts, cursed items, henchmen/hirelings, story items, an option for increasing an item’s level (and potentially the benefits […]

Excerpt: Item Curses

In past editions I never used cursed items unless a pre-published adventure specifically mentioned them because in most cases they were a minor nuisance; any party with a cleric could basically get rid of it after taking a nap, assuming that no one had a remove curse spell prepared/scroll on hand (if the item even […]

Excerpt: New Armor

I just got around to posting about the weapon excerpt today, and we are already at new armor. You will need to actually scope out the pdf preview to get any hard mechanics, which includes full stats for all the suits of armor that were still “missing” (well, except for the chain shirt). Aside from […]

Excerpt: New Weapons

In addition to magic items it looks like feats are also on the menu at Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium. Though we get a dozen names, only two of the “strike specialization” feats are actually shown, which let you reduce bonus damage from power strike in order to lump on some other benefit like dazing or attacking Fortitude […]