Dungeons & Delvers: Treants

Usually when you think of treants you think of tree-like humanoids, which is to be expected given that they were based on Tolkien’s ents, a race of tree-like humanoids. In 2nd Edition the treant entry starts off by stating that, “Treants are strangely related to both humans and trees, combining features of both species,” and […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Roper

I don’t think I’ve ever used or ran into a roper, so I was surprised to learn that their tentacles drain Strength. I did know that they live underground and can look like stalagmites, and while statting them up for Dungeons & Delvers I was reminded of the mimic octopus’s ability to change its skin color and […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Gem Dragon Facelift

Gem dragons debuted in 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The big distinction between them and chromatic and metallic dragons, besides having translucent, gem-like scales, were inherent psionic abilities (in addition to the wizard and/or priest spells possessed by other dragons). I’ve already talked about how we want to shake up the appearance of dragons […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Monster List

In between fleshing out and updating classes and races, and added more tables for random things (such as backgrounds and character generation), rules for exceptional and superior mounts, skill perks, etc we’ve been rounding out the monster roster. Here’s the current list of everything we’ve done so far, sorted completely alphabetically (some monsters will be […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Ettins as Mutant Giants

While working on giants I realized that ettins are basically two-headed hill giants: In 3rd Edition they lag behind a bit in terms of Hit Dice, Strength and Constitution, and while they for some reason can’t throw rocks their two heads let them dual-wield without suffering severe penalties (to the point where unless you were […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Where Do Baby Gnolls Come From?

In Dungeons & Delvers orcs are the minions of Orcus, demonic spirits tightly wrapped in the flesh of other races, because they cannot remain unprotected in the natural world/Prime Material Plane for long without dissipating. It might kill them, or just send them back to the underworld. Never really decided. Maybe some particularly powerful or strong-willed […]

Dungeons & Delvers: The Bigger They Are…

I was thinking about giants for some reason last night. I get that Dungeons & Delvers and the game it’s based off of can get pretty abstract, but I found myself wondering why armor or shields matter at all when a two-story-or-so-titan is trying to mash you into juicy adventure-paste, so I came up with a few […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Art Update the Third

Another art update for Appendix D, though to be honest we’ll use it in other stuff (like that Dungeon World monster manual someone wanted us to do) and also put it on DriveThru down the road as inexpensive stock art (for use in commercial stuff, of course). First up, ankheg. Nothing too fancy, though I think […]

Art Update: Krampus, The Warden, & That Other Thing

As the title says, some art for an adventure having to do with Krampus (blame Melissa for that one), The Warden for Dungeon World (obviosly not done with it, yet), and that Black Book-based game we’re also working on. Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! […]

Enlil-Zi-Shagal’s Sky Tomb: Monsters!

So I’m working on this 1st-level intro adventure for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book that takes place within the tomb of a jinn floating about the Elemental Plane of Air. I got the maps (four right now) mostly done, but am still working on room contents and also how some of the power generator puzzles are […]