Dungeons & Delvers: Myconids (Also More #Inktober)

In Dungeons & Dragons, myconids are fungus men that live underground, and unlike most Underdark races just want to be left alone to do…whatever it is that they do. Well, except in 4th Edition, where they were for some reason much more invasive and destructive. I can’t recall ever using myconids, though I did use […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Bloated Basilisk Variant

I ran a one-shot adventure back when Dungeons & Delvers was still in its playtesting phase, with Melissa and Adam playing a druid and fighter respectively. They had to locate and slay a basilisk, a very difficult feat given that it was just the two of them and they were only 1st-level, so I reduced the […]

At the Mines of Madness: The Black Goat of the Woods

Back in early December of last year I mentioned taking an old 4th Edition campaign I ran, and turning it into a hefty set of locations and fronts for a very Lovecraftian Dungeon World. Currently it is at 40 pages, and nowhere near completion. What started out as essentially an adventure conversion has gone way off the […]

Wandering Monsters: What’s in a Monster?

What information belongs in a monster entry? The amount and arrangement of information has fluctuated throughout editions, sometimes changing within the same edition. 2nd Edition blocks were lengthy lists of un-formatted information, which probably could have been sorted better. In its favor the flavor text tended to lean towards the extensive, often telling how many women and/or young are in […]

Legend & Lore; Monster Design in D&D Next, Part 2

Nothing mechanical, but it sounds like they are still using quite a bit of monster design from 4th Edition. Strength in NumbersIn 3rd Edition an orc was CR 1/2, which meant that you would want to throw like, two of them at a 1st-level party as part of their balanced encounter. Given the unreliable nature […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Making of an Owlbear, Part 2

Another encounter with owlbears? At least, to a point, it indicates that they are paying attention. I never really liked the whole “a wizard did it” treatment. Not just because I have no seen magic that let a wizard fuse two things together–which could be pretty awesome–but because it also seems lazy. Even so I like […]

Living Spell Six-Pack

For those of you with a DDI subscription that also want more monsters–specifically living spells–I have uploaded six heroic-tier threats here: Living magic missile Living magic missile mote Living magic missile salvo  Living storm pillar Living acid mire Living fireball

Adventure Tools Lets You Build Monsters Now

It looks and builds like Character Builder, but for monsters. To give you a thorough look, I’ll go mostly step by step through the process of updating a monster. You start out by picking the role and whether the monster is a standard, elite, solo, or minion. A radio button at the bottom lets you […]

Homebrew: Wererat Piper

I posted a poll a few weeks back asking which faction out of Neverwinter Campaign Setting that people would be interested in tackling first. The winner was New Neverwinter, so am writing up a 1-10 adventure dealing with who will end up ultimately ruling Neverwinter. When it comes to adventure writing I like to make lots […]

The Heirs of Ruin: Meet Hakaar

Here is the stat block for the “end boss” for the first adventure in The Heirs of Ruin. I wanted to give him some other multi-attack ability aside from a stock double attack, and ended up giving him a minor action and ability to spread the fire damage around when its not his turn.