Red Book Monk: Unlearning What We’ve Learned

We drastically overhauled the monk about a week ago, and everyone that’s seen it has told us that it looks waaay better than the original take, which was similar to the Dungeon World version where you choose a Fighting Style at 1st-level, and could later choose talents that build on that Style. You could only have […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Monk Preview

The current iteration of the Red Book monk has been added to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (check the red book class previews zip file)! In addition to tweaking some of the class features (and adding an option for Unarmored Defense that actually lets you make a Strength-oriented monk), we’ve added a bunch of new talents, reworked […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Goblin Cave Playtest

We ran a fairly simple playtest yesterday, with some of the Appendix D classes so that we can try to iron out any kinks before the release of Red Book. The 1st-level party consisted of a barbarian, a cleric with the Fire and Forge Domains, an infernal pact warlock, and a Serpent Style monk. Only starting […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Issue 6

The sixth issue of Appendix D has been added to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (for free of course, just check the product page for another PDF download). It increases the level cap of the monk, ranger, and warlock to 10 (along with some new talents for each), adds the bard class (also with 10 levels), some […]

FrankenFourth: Taking Hits

Though FrankenFourth is based on various parts of various editions of Dungeons & Dragons, when it comes to armor it uses a model similar to that of Dungeon World, Numenera, and I’m sure many other games: armor reduces the damage you take when an attack connects (while shields prevent you from getting hit at all). Currently armor ratings range […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 107

Cast Adair (level 3 elf war cleric) Hedris (level 3 greedy cambion warlord) Humal (level 3 wrathful cambion wizard) Sumia (level 3 elf rogue) Summary With who they assumed was the cult leader slain (and his soul dragged off), the characters looted his laboratory and continued to explore the labyrinth, if for no other reason […]

FrankenFourth: Go Full-Vancian Or Go Home(brew)?

I wrote an article over a year ago about various problems with magic in Dungeons & Dragons, that even to this day still receives the occasional comment from someone that somehow manages to miss the point/fails to address my criticisms. I won’t repeat them here, but they have informed how we’re handling magic in FrankenFourth. We’ve overhauled […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 106

Cast Adair (level 3 elf war cleric) Humal (level 3 wrathful cambion wizard) Kuhnja’bi (level 3 human w/ Devil in the Details fighter) Sumia (level 3 elf rogue) Summary The narrow hall beyond the door was made entirely from a highly polished, grey stone. Initially there weren’t any features of note, not even cracks or […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 105

Cast Adair (level 3 elf war cleric) Filge (level 5 human necromancer) Humal (level 3 wrathful cambion wizard) Sumia (level 3 elf rogue) Summary With the guardians destroyed, the party rode the wind column up through the ceiling. It deposited them in a square chamber, considerably smaller and less adorned than the one below: the […]

A Sundered World: Color Softcovers Are Available!

A Sundered World is now available in softcover, color format (through DriveThruRPG only). B&W, and hardcover options for both are on their way. If you purchased the pdf and want a print-at-cost discount link for the softcover color version, email me (otherwise, wait until the other ones are available). If you bought it via DriveThruRPG, make sure […]