Wandering Monsters: Hellenic Half-Humans

More Greek monsters, this time the centaur, satyr, harpy, and minotaur. Unlike last week’s selection I have actually used the harpy a couple times, minotaurs quite a bit, and in an old 3rd Edition campaign two players rolled up a pair of satyr drunken master monks. CentaurThe physical description is fine–not that I assumed it would […]

Dragon’s Eye View & Wandering Monsters: Minotaurs

The minotaur is a very iconic monster, both in Greek mythology and Dungeons & Dragons, though before 4th Edition I do not recall much general flavor about them. In 2nd Edition’s favor I have not played it in basically forever, and an Ecology article withstanding 3rd Edition did not go much beyond mentioning that they […]

Minotaur Warlord/Artificer

I tried tinkering with Character Builder a bit, but in the end I think that a minotaur serving as a front-line soldier during the Last War (I would totally play this guy in an Eberron campaign) made more sense than an artificer. I’m not saying it couldnt work, but I felt that it was cooler […]