Big-Ass Tiamat Mini By Another Name

Early birthday present from Melissa, delivered at the beginning of the month. We actually finished painting it a week ago, but there were gaps that we sealed with some liquid green stuff which required more painting to conceal: it just took us awhile to find the time to drive all the way over to the […]

Forging Dungeons With Dwarven Forge: Caverns

In my previous post on Dwarven Forge tiles, I talked about their vanilla dungeon sets. This time I’m gonna talk about their cavern sets, which unfortunately require more investment because: A basic set of cavern tiles runs $80 for pre-painted, and $60 for “dungeon grey” (and there isn’t a slightly discounted three-pack). You don’t get as […]

Forging Dungeons With Dwarven Forge

Some seven or so years ago I bought a variety of Dwarven Forge sets. Despite the fact that all told they ran me about $750, they barely saw any use up until last year, when I started playtesting Dungeons & Delvers with our kids. Unsurprisingly our kids loved playing with them (it’s very rare that they’re all put away […]

DDN Blog: Goblins Only Care About Your Axe

As I said in a previous blog post, sometimes a fight is just not worth the effort of stopping the game to draw out a tactical map. I cannot imagine the amount of time I have spend drawing maps and juggling Dungeon Tiles, whether it was for a hunting party of kobolds in the forest […]

D&D Skirmish Playtest

In case you were not aware of it, not only is Wizards of the Coast going to start producing minis again, but they also opened up a public playtest for a new minis skirmish game (well, public insofar as you need to have a D&D account and join the D&D Playtest group). In case you […]

Legends & Lore: Minis

Not pictured: the other sandwich bags, plastic tubs, and assorted clutter on the bookshelves. I have a lot of minis. I’m pretty sure a looong time ago, I made a post talking about how much I like using minis in my D&D games. I’ve been using minis since I started out with Basic, which consisted of some solid-red […]

Beholder Collector’s Set

I got this a quite awhile ago, but kept neglecting to post about it. It’s a non-randomized quartet of beholders that not only comes in a badass box, but only runs $35. Oddly, at people are actually complaining about this price. If they think that’s steep, perhaps they should scope out singles at eBay, where […]

Gargantuan Orcus

I got one in today. Its Gargantuan, and its Orcus, and its fucking awesome. In the box… …and in mah hand. Is it worth the price tag? Some would compare it to the Colossal Red Dragon that came out years ago, and I’d say that I suppose pound-for-pound that it might not be. I dunno. Depends […]

Second Opinion on Dangerous Delves

As a disclaimer, this isnt me changing my opinion about Dangerous Delves so much as its me continuing my last review, since a case of eight packs got delivered about 20 minutes ago. I’m curious to see if my expectations hold up from yesterday. I guess if you order the 8-pack, they make sure to […]