Dungeons & Delvers: Mimics

I wrote a post about an adventure involving mimics pretending to be a treasure-laden ship awhile back. I’ve been running my bi-weekly Tuesday group through it, and right now they’re trying to stop a bunch of mimics from invading a castle and slaughtering everyone inside (so far they’ve probably stopped that from happening, and have […]

Dungeons & Delvers: A Boatload of Mimics

I have a lot of adventure ideas, but I don’t talk about them because I want to surprise my players. I even try to keep them a secret from Melissa when I can, but sometimes I get so excited I can’t help myself. I’d been thinking on Escape From the Flesh Catacombs for awhile, but I […]

Wandering Monsters: Dungeon Denizens

And here I was starting to think that we were just not going to get a Wandering Monster article this week which, given the playtest packet that is getting released today, I could forgive. Well, maybe. Depends on what it looks like. Gelatinous CubeI always thought it was weird that gelatinous cubes were uniform in size. […]