Wandering Monsters: Mapping the World (Also Q&A)

Looks like we get maps instead of monsters, this week. Though I am not exactly a fan of hex maps it is still a decently informative article that helps put various map scales into perspective. I do question the proposed ratio of 1:10:50; why not go with something like 2:10:50 so that it scales consistently? […]

If These Stones Could Scream: Region Map

Victor is normally tasked with taking my crude line drawing and making them into something that you can understand without patience and a magnifying glass, but since he has been busy I thought I would take a stab at it and see what I could do. This is the region map for If These Stones […]

If These Stones Could Scream: Khajra Map Take 2

My second stab at Khajra, the primary adventure site for our upcoming adventure If These Stones Could Scream. I made the area with the actual town a bit smaller and added an arena, while the snakeman pyramid is quite a bit larger and circular (at Josh’s request).  The town started out as a dig site for […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth: The Horned Hold Rough

Sorry that this has taken so long, but between the latest D&D Next packet, 13th Age, Dungeon World, and a very recent Numenera playtest I have been pretty swamped with reading. That and I consider myself to be very bad at mapping. I tend to fret a lot on layout, always wondering if the denizens would really put […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth: Chamber of Eyes

Victor and I rebuilt the Chamber of Eyes from H2: Thunderspire Labyrinth. All in all, I think he helped me convey the tone really well. It is not a happy place. I did this once before, largely using the original map. I figured I would try and think what an actual temple dedicated to Torog […]

D&D Next: Shadowfell Keep Map

Here is the map of Shadowfell Keep I drew up for part two of my D&D Next conversion. I like the idea of the characters being able to explore the keep in some detail before going dungeon crawling. As with my 4th Edition update I kept Sir Keegan is in the chapel, which is hallowed […]