Dungeons & Delvers: Appendix D, Issue 6

The sixth issue of Appendix D has been added to Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (for free of course, just check the product page for another PDF download). It increases the level cap of the monk, ranger, and warlock to 10 (along with some new talents for each), adds the bard class (also with 10 levels), some […]

Battle for the Purple Islands Review

Disclosure: I know Venger, we’ve exchanged a few words online, and I’ve given him a shout out here and there before. I was given a comp copy of this product in exchange for writing a review.UPDATE: Apparently this is intended to be used with The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence, which I’m aware of but for some reason […]

FrankenFourth: Eldritch World

I wrote a post over three years ago about doing Star Wars as Lovecraftian Horror. Also a while back but more recently I did another flavor-centric post about a for some reason still unfinished sun priest class for a Dungeon World setting that I was going to call Eldritch World. I haven’t stopped thinking about the general […]

A Sundered World: Monster Setting Art

I’ve already posted plenty of race art, and even some location art. This time I wanted to art for the Voices of the Stars and Celestial Host monster settings (what Dungeon World calls groups of at least thematically related monsters). Note that this isn’t the final art.

Cthulhu Wars: Playing Great Cthulhu

Cthulhu is not only the most widely known Great Old One in the Lovecraftian mythos, he’s also the figurehead of the easiest faction in Cthulhu Wars: you start out relatively safe from two of the Factions, you rake in Spellbooks very quickly (and essentially freely), and once you Awaken Cthulhu he becomes insanely, King-in-Yellow cheap to bring […]

Dungeon World: The Cultist

The Cultist is now up on Drivethrurpg! Given all the other Lovecraftian content I’ve created over the years, I’m honestly surprised it took us this long to make a cultist class. You start out being able to requisition resources from your cult, summon monsters, perform dark rituals, and knowing things that people just shouldn’t know. As […]

Cthulhu Wars Review

After waiting just over a year longer than advertised, I finally got part of my backer reward from the Cthulhu Wars Kickstarter (just the core game: still waiting on the extras/expansions/exclusive content). So, was the wait worth it? For me, yes, and for several reasons. First, as anyone that reads this blog knows I’m a huge fan […]

Eldritch World: The Chosen of Ayash

Ayash, the Glorious Life-Giver, the Shining Healer, the Radiant Shield.  First, she gave birth to the world; then, to everything that lives. She crafted the first race to be guardians over her creation. Finally, exhausted from her labors, she slept. As she slumbered, ancient and malicious creatures happened upon her works, and in their envy […]

Mansions of Madness Review

Three years late to the scene, I finally picked up Mansions of Madness over the weekend, played it five times (as of this blog post, anyway), and went back to Rainy Day Games to get all of the delicious, terrible expansions. Partially it is because of the minis (I do love me some minis), but mostly it is that, […]

Returning to the Mines of Madness

Years ago I ran an Eberron campaign steeped in Lovecraftian horror. Not only did adventure titles play off of one of Lovecraft’s stories—At the Mines of Madness, The Shadows Under Greyshore, etc—but they featured people twisted by alien energies, phasic denizens from another dimension, strange, alien ruins, tentacled horrors, and cultists that worshipping god-like, thankfully imprisoned […]