Dungeons & Delvers: Krampus Run

Krampus Run is the first official adventure for Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book (and the first adventure Melissa has written, so that’s a milestone for her), but also easily compatible with other d20 games based off the original role-playing game. As the name implies it deals with the demon Krampus: he’s abducted some children from the village of […]

Krampus Run Playtest

Cast Adam’s Warlock With No Name (level 1 human warlock) Riya (level 1 ishim paladin) Savita (level 1 vampire) Session Highlights En route to the city of Frostgate, the party stops for the night in a village that they’ll find out later is known as Kaldsten. It’s late and the inn is devoid of anyone […]

Art Update: Krampus, The Warden, & That Other Thing

As the title says, some art for an adventure having to do with Krampus (blame Melissa for that one), The Warden for Dungeon World (obviosly not done with it, yet), and that Black Book-based game we’re also working on. Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! […]