A Sundered World: Kobold Art & Some Other Stuff

So Melissa just finished coloring the kobold, which means that it’s time for me to get back to drawing. I’m going to do the tarchon next, because one of the players in our current Sundered World campaign—play report is nearly done—is playing one and I haven’t really decided what they’re going to look like. Quick question: […]

Super Dungeon Explore: Wipe in the Kobold Warrens

I am running a Super Dungeon Explore hangout game this Tuesday, but since Melissa wanted to get in a practice game we decided to run a small Dungeon Crawl using our newly-painted kobolds. Yeah, I know that they are one of the default group of minions, but we quickly got our hands on the Rocktop Gang […]

Wandering Monsers: The Little Guys

When and how do you use kobolds and goblins? For the most part I agree with the article when it comes to the bulleted basic elements, though I would expand the list to include a draconic heritage and sorcerer elements for kobolds, and goblins lairing in the wilderness (not necessarily just in caves or ruins). If […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Re-imagining Kobolds

The new year kicks off with a monster that low-level parties everywhere love kicking, kobolds. There seems to be two camps on kobolds: one wants them to have a dog/rat-like look, while the other prefers the more recent draconic association. I guess it largely depends on whichever kobold you saw first (which for me, if you […]

Wandering Monsters: The Scaly Things

As with the article on goblins, this one gives us a brief overview on three monsters: the kobold, lizardfolk, and troglodytes. Likewise the overviews we get match up with what I expect; kobolds are reptilian, set traps, and have an affinity for dragons, lizardfolk live in swamps, use blowguns, clubs, and turtle-shell shields, and troglodytes […]