Dungeons & Delvers: Mine Kobolds (Also White Book Preview)

Melissa and I alternate as GMs on Tuesdays, which is nice because it gives me a chance to play and gives her a chance to become a better GM. I also think its very useful for a game designer to actually play their own game. For her campaign she’s been doing The Heart of Hemskil, an adventure […]

Renaming Kobolds

Since I’ve changed kobolds in Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book to be more inline with their mythological counterparts, and I’ve got a shitload of kobold minis that I still wanna use, I now need to at least rename D&D kobolds to something else, and maybe come up with another backstory. Like, D&D kobolds could just be kobolds […]

The History of Kobolds

I wrote a blog post nearly a month ago (as of this post) addressing a comment someone left on an old playtest document for what eventually became Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book. Basically, in the document I said that we were going to have more mythologically accurate kobolds (which we do, among other monsters), and the […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Meet the (Kobold) Cleric

It just so happens that the cleric art features another kobold, but since I already talked about kobolds here we can just skip straight to the cleric-y bits. The high concept for a cleric is basically what you’d expect: they’re servants of various gods that can channel various divine powers. The difference is that they don’t […]