Revised Stretch Goals, New Add-Ons and Character Sheet

After talking with Chris and Melissa we decided to reduce stretch goals across the board by around $250-500 each, and remove the class charts entirely since after thinking about it I felt that they just weren’t necessary for classes like the fighter and rogue. Spellcasters will still get them, while everyone else will get a […]

Red Book Has Funded!

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book finished funding yesterday, and we’re steadily marching towards the first stretch goal (around $500 away as of this post); if you were on the fence, not sure if it was going to fund, now’s the time to hop on board! We also announced a few new add-ons, so you can not […]

Stoneskull Tower One-Shot Session

We wrapped up the first Red Book backer one-shot last week, playing through Stoneskull Tower, an adventure that I wrote for the Game School Podcast interview we did back in March. The player, Andrew (great player by the way), was cool with us recording and uploading it: you can listen to it here if that’s something you’re […]

Red Book Character Generation: Fighters

Last week Melissa and I did a one-shot game with Andrew, one of the Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book backers (friggin’ phenomenal player I might add), which you can listen to over here if that’s your thing. He was fine with a pregen, and when prompted for a race and class combo opted for a sword-and-shield […]

Q&A With Dan Davenport (Also Multiclassing)

Interview is over, chat log can be found over here (and the Kickstarter is over here if you want to learn more)! I figure Dan hosted and posted it, so rather than repost it here I’ll just point everyone to his site. Didn’t get to go into the detail I wanted to due to the time […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Kickstarter is Live (Again)!

It’s live! Again! Click here to head on over and throw in your support! The short of the re-launch is that we ended up getting a bunch of feedback and suggestions, and so decided to just cancel the previous project, make some adjustments, reach out to more people, and then give it another go. As I […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Redux Next Week!

We ended up canceling the Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Kickstarter today, which was something we were figuring was going to happen since last Friday, after chatting with a guy that does a lot of KS consultation stuff. He gave as a bunch of recommendations (including adding a quickstart PDF for everyone to look at), […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book Kickstarter is Live!

Head on over here to back it! Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! We’ve also released the first big supplement for it, Appendix D, so pick that up if you want more of everything. The first issue of The Delver, a magazine featuring […]

Red Book Kickstarter Teaser

Whelp, this should be ready to go this week, next week at the latest… Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! We’ve also released the first big supplement for it, Appendix D, so pick that up if you want more of everything. The first […]