Pirate World Review

So Pirate World I guess technically came out, surprising everybody because it’s well over two years late and the last creator update was nearly a year ago: pretty much everyone had written it off as yet another unfulfilled role-playing game Kickstarter. It might have been best if the creators had also forgotten about it and moved […]

RPGaDay2015: Days 1 & 2

I skipped out on Day 1, mostly because I was out most of the day, partially because there really aren’t any games I’m particularly looking forward to. At least on the RPG scene: video and board games are another story. I mean, I’m looking forward to getting my next three games done (game-games, not A […]

Dungeon World: What’s In a Name

UPDATE (5/31/2016): Didn’t think I’d ever have to update this again, but RPG Pundit started a thread on his site in which he goes over the advice he gave me following Paul “Ettin” derailing a Kickstarter thread I started on rpg.net last year I mentioned that someone told me that there’s a forum where someone […]

Quinnspiracy, Integrity, & Yes More Inverse World

It was either fight their way throughundead-infested catacombs, orgive a 5-star rating to a shitty game. Ever since I got into the whole indie-publishing scene just over a year ago, it’s always been my practice to write a draft of something, put out a call for anyone that wants to take a look at it, […]

Inverse World: My Criticisms Run Deep

UPDATE: And my comment on the FAE version was removed. For me it still says Discussions (1), which was where it used to be. The review comments are still up on both versions, for now anyway. Again, just going to caution against shelling out $15 for a very mediocre product (which seems to be working given that […]

Inverse World Accelerated Review

I had forgotten that when I backed Inverse World that I would also get a Fate Accelerated Edition pdf of it, too, and I really hope I did not pay any extra. I have played FATE, but not FAE, so I do not know what the mechanical differences are, if any. Someone said that it is like […]

An Inverse Opinion

NOTE: If you want to hear what I have to say about the FAE version, go here. Being a backer and all I finally got a coupon code for Inverse World a few months ago (only six months after the original delivery date). I initially flipped through it, wondered what took so long, and forgot about […]