#Inktober: Aboleth

Taking a brief break from demons (still gotta do the vrock and pit fiend, at least), but here’s something that’s just as terrifying if not more so than many infernal denizens out there, the aboleth! Going to see if Melissa can’t add in a kind of mucous cloud effect, at least for the color version. […]

#Inktober: Fly Demon

More demon art! This is basically our interpretation of a chasme from Dungeons & Dragons. They come in two flavors: the weakest version is formed from meager souls that died while corrupted by the sin of gluttony. They are Small, their bite can sap your life (reducing maximum HP for awhile), and are really good […]

#Inktober: Succubus

Some sultry succubus art for Red Book! Some ways we’ve differentiated them from Dungeons & Dragons: they can travel through dreams (similar to teleporting, just gotta be asleep), reduce your maximum WP each night they “visit” you (you die when it’s reduced to 0), and while they can change their shape, there’s always some sort […]

#Inktober: Death Cults

Art for the death cult section in the Red Book monster chapter: Half-page illustration. Idea is to make it easy to spot if you’re flipping through, trying to find it. Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! We’ve also released the first big supplement for it, […]

#Inktober: The Bone Devil

Here’s the bone devil art from Dungeons & Delvers: Red Book: Ended up ditching the scorpion tail, since I can’t really imagine how it would properly function (and sketches didn’t help, either). Besides, figured it should just have a solid, skeletal theme, so went with something that looks more like a spinal column. Venom and […]

#Inktober: Basilisk

Just finished the art for the Red Book basilisk (going backwards a bit). Tried to make it look a bit more like its Wikipedia incarnation. I thought the crest was kinda goofy, but while looking up lizards with crests remembered that headbutting dinosaur, so went with something more like that. Anyway, for comparison here’s the original […]

#Inktober: The Cloaker

Just finished the art for the Red Book cloaker, which I suppose can also count towards Inktober. Normally cloakers look kind of like a manta ray or, well, a cloak, just with a mean face, but as with many things for Red Book I wanted to get weirder with it, or at least go a different route. Here’s […]

#Inktober: Mycotic Sorcerer

Art for the Mycoarcana section from the upcoming first issue of Delver magazine, which will detail another sorcerer bloodline and warlock pact. Depicts a fungal dryad mycotic sorcerer, prepping her acidic touch to attack something she spotted with her bioluminescent fungus. Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever […]

#Inktober: The Moldering Church

Art for a short adventure that will be featured in the first issue of Delver magazine. Also counting it for #inktober. Announcements You can now get a physical copy of Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book in whatever format you want! We’ve also released the first big supplement for it, Appendix D, so pick that up if you […]

#Inktober: Fungal Dryad

Also known as a mykoritad, fungal dryads are nymphs of various types of fungus. They’re smaller and a bit weaker than dryads, and only share a rapport with myconids and other creatures infested with fungus (such as mottled spoars and green mycomambas), but they can exhale clouds of toxic spores, create patches of harmful fungus, […]