Dungeons & Delvers: Bloated Basilisk Variant

I ran a one-shot adventure back when Dungeons & Delvers was still in its playtesting phase, with Melissa and Adam playing a druid and fighter respectively. They had to locate and slay a basilisk, a very difficult feat given that it was just the two of them and they were only 1st-level, so I reduced the […]

Streets & Stabbers (Black Book/Urban Arcana Mashup)

Over in the Dungeons & Delvers: Black Book community, Darcy (Dettman Junior) posted a Google doc with his notes so far on a kind of Urban Arcana (holy shit that came out in 2003?!) hack that uses the Black Book as a foundation. It’s obviously a work in process (still cool to see someone running with something […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Bone Devils

In The Spire of Long Shadows, there’s a part early on in the adventure where some barbed devils and a quartet of bone devils show up to attack the party; the party has a fragment of the rod of seven parts, which they really want for some reason. I remembered reading in one of the […]

Modrons as Ambulatory Lament Configurations

Even though I’m a big Planescape fan the only time I recall using any sort of modron was for a player character, but for some reason today I had this idea to make at least the cube-shaped modrons (duodrones?) into walking, self-changing Lament Configurations. I figure that they’d each have a few configurations that let them […]

Dungeon World: The Paladin

The Paladin is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks, Adventuring Party, and Alternative Class bundles. As with The Bard, The Druid, The Fighter, and now even The Cleric, The Paladin isn’t merely a half-hearted/assed reskin: it’s a considerably different take on the concept. Though it’s still a competent melee warrior, most of […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Playtest Adventure Update

We’ve updated the Dungeons & Delvers public playtest adventure with the rules changes mentioned in this post and also this post. From the original post: It’s one part hexcrawl, two parts dungeon crawl, and there are four pregen characters in the back; a future release will provide rules for actual character generation and advancement. We’re mostly interested in […]

A Dungeon World Character Sheet That You Can Use

A week or so ago Melissa was tagged in a post on G+, in which someone asked Adam if they could use the new Dungeon World character sheet layout (which was still bad despite taking over a year to finish). The answer was both surprisingly and bewilderingly no: you’re stuck using the horrible “classic” sheet, come up with your own, […]

Dungeons & Delvers Cover

Melissa finished coloring the cover for Dungeons & Delvers (though I’ll probably add some more linework), so now I got a neater image to use for blog posts, the community, and most importantly the actual game. Let us know what you think. Why frog-man? Because people demanded frog-man, I guess based entirely on the playtest game […]

Dungeons & Delvers: Into Yig’s Coils, Take 2

In the interest of further playtesting armor-as-bonus-Wounds, adventurers with Defense scores, and monsters with Attack Pools, we played through Into Yig’s Coils, the Dungeons & Delvers playtest adventure again. While pretty much every playtest besides the first one or two sessions has gone smoothly—even the playtest campaign we ran using Melissa’s adventure Heart of Hemskil—I enjoyed this […]

Dungeon World: The Cleric

The Cleric is now on sale! It has been added to our All of the Playbooks and Adventuring Party bundles, and since the next class is The Paladin we’re going to make an alternate class bundle (which would include The Vancomancer and wizard from A Sundered World). As with The Bard, The Druid, and The Fighter, this one deviates from it’s Dungeon […]