D&D Podcast: Blood of Gruumsh & Warlords

I actually finished the podcast this time, so that is a plus. I also finally picked up a set of Blood of Gruumsh earlier this week, and agree that the minis, in particular the ogre, are pretty good. Though I have yet to play Dungeon Command, I am strongly considering snagging a second set just to round out […]

D&D Next: Heal Check

For the past few weeks Legends & Lore has brought up the issues of healing, first by asking if removing the cleric as a necessary element of play was something that they should be doing (Yes!), then by pitching an adjustable-yet-flat healing rate (No!). Both 2nd and 3rd Edition have pretty much always assumed that you had […]

Legends & Lore: Druids And More Healing

The druid, as well as some unnamed classes (hopefully the warlord and a still-interesting sorcerer), might be available in the near future. I only played a druid in 2nd Edition once, and for only a single session, so I cannot really comment on it except that I found the Neutral-only alignment (as well as 2nd […]

Legends & Lore: Clerics And Healing

“Our goal has been to remove cleric as a necessary element of adventuring. Does that approach make sense given our modular design?” Yes. Absolutely yes.  Not everyone likes playing a cleric, and not very group likes feeling like that they have to have one. I always felt that this was especially true in 3rd Edition, […]

DDN Blog: Resilient Heroes

It’s good to see that the vast majority are in favor to at least some form of limited self-healing. Personally I had grown tired of relying on the casters to keep the game going last edition, and 4th Edition made it easier–I would daresay possible–to manage without a healer at all, or at least without having […]