10+ Treasures Goes Gold!

10+ Treasures is a Best Gold Seller on over on DriveThruRPG! Actually, this happened awhile ago (though I’m not sure exactly when): our internet was also down for a few days, and we wanted to get a new cover done to commemorate this event (because the original was drawn back when I was still getting used […]

FrankenFourth: Taking Hits

Though FrankenFourth is based on various parts of various editions of Dungeons & Dragons, when it comes to armor it uses a model similar to that of Dungeon World, Numenera, and I’m sure many other games: armor reduces the damage you take when an attack connects (while shields prevent you from getting hit at all). Currently armor ratings range […]

FrankenFourth: Go Full-Vancian Or Go Home(brew)?

I wrote an article over a year ago about various problems with magic in Dungeons & Dragons, that even to this day still receives the occasional comment from someone that somehow manages to miss the point/fails to address my criticisms. I won’t repeat them here, but they have informed how we’re handling magic in FrankenFourth. We’ve overhauled […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 106

Cast Adair (level 3 elf war cleric) Humal (level 3 wrathful cambion wizard) Kuhnja’bi (level 3 human w/ Devil in the Details fighter) Sumia (level 3 elf rogue) Summary The narrow hall beyond the door was made entirely from a highly polished, grey stone. Initially there weren’t any features of note, not even cracks or […]

Alpha Blue Bargain

The number 111 is an important one for +Venger Satanis. I’m not sure why, but he’s mentioned it a few times on his Alpha Blue Kickstarter (which I’ve talked about before) as a sort of lucky number. What with today being 1/11 and all, he tapped me to do an art piece based on Galaxina […]

4Ward/FrankenFourth: Age of Worms, Episode 105

Cast Adair (level 3 elf war cleric) Filge (level 5 human necromancer) Humal (level 3 wrathful cambion wizard) Sumia (level 3 elf rogue) Summary With the guardians destroyed, the party rode the wind column up through the ceiling. It deposited them in a square chamber, considerably smaller and less adorned than the one below: the […]

A Sundered World: Color Softcovers Are Available!

A Sundered World is now available in softcover, color format (through DriveThruRPG only). B&W, and hardcover options for both are on their way. If you purchased the pdf and want a print-at-cost discount link for the softcover color version, email me (otherwise, wait until the other ones are available). If you bought it via DriveThruRPG, make sure […]

FrankenFourth: Non-Magical Potions

One of the design tenets for FrankenFourth (and our other game, Dungeons & Delvers) is that magic items are not assumed. Actually, even magic in general isn’t an assumed part of the game, which means that you don’t need a cleric to keep people propped up, not that clerics have built in healing anyway. There is a magical […]

FrankenFourth: Martial Maneuvers

One of the complaints leveled against 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons had to do with abilities that were both non-magical, yet only usable x times per encounter or day. For example, a 1st-level fighter could choose an attack that let him deal damage and prone a target, but could only use it once per encounter, and […]