Wandering Monsers: The Little Guys

When and how do you use kobolds and goblins? For the most part I agree with the article when it comes to the bulleted basic elements, though I would expand the list to include a draconic heritage and sorcerer elements for kobolds, and goblins lairing in the wilderness (not necessarily just in caves or ruins). If […]

Wandering Monsters: Goblinoids

As with the bit on gnolls and orcs, the descriptions provided are apt for each given goblinoid type (I also voted that keeping them related, though not necessarily united). Given that this is how they have been portrayed for over a decade–maybe longer, not sure about 2nd Edition–I am not surprised. So far (with all […]

Eyes in the Forest Review

I’m a fan of a few Chaos Scar adventures, preferring the entertaining, compact experience over that of the larger adventure modules which all too often seem like the author is trying to pack two levels worth of shit where it doesnt want to fit. I think Wizards really has something here with the whole five-ish […]