#RPGADAY: Weirdest RPG Owned

Two words: Gamma World. The setting of Gamma World is more or less Earth, just 150 years after the Large Hadron Collider goes south and mashes a bunch of timelines together (kind of like how in Sundered World shit hits the fan and all of the planes get mashed into one reality). What makes this game weirder than […]

#RPGADAY: Favorite Tie-in Novel/Game Fiction

I suppose The Dresden Files would count (especially once you get a few books in), what with there being a Dresden Files role-playing game and all, but I thought I’d go with something a bit more…unusual. You’re probably aware of the latest edition of Gamma World: it was like a lighter version of 4th Edition Dungeons & […]

Star Wars As Lovecraftian Horror-Fantasy

I mentioned in my review of Edge of the Empire that I know of Star Wars, but am not really a fan of it. Gamma World came out some three years ago, and I have on occassion thought of running a campaign by taking the Star Wars universe, and cramming everything onto one planet. In this setting alien species […]

Red Sails in the Fallout Review

My judgement might be skewed in light of having just come away from Under the Crimson Sun, but I found this heartwarming tale of two anthropomorphic female animals literally playing grab-ass across the desert–along with a swarm of insects, racist human, and carnivorous plant–to be pretty a entertaining read that plays out very much like […]

Sooner Dead Review

Another very late review, this one for Sooner Dead, Gamma World’s novel debut. In short, it was pretty good, though I did find the serious tone out of place when compared to the general feel and play style of the game. This isn’t a bad thing mind you, just unexpected. I don’t want to spoil the […]

Legion of Gold Review

The third and perhaps final Gamma World expansion, Legion of Gold offers what every Gamma World product has so far: new origins, monsters (with token sheets), some maps, a card booster pack, and an adventure at the end. Between all three books, you could easily get a party from 1st to 10th level just by running […]

Interactive Gamma World Character Sheet

Though Gamma World lacks its own Character Builder, you can make a character online via this interactive character sheet–with no subscription required. You can randomly generate everything about the character that you’d expect, though there are drop-down menus if you want to choose your options manually. The only glitch I noticed was that the first time messing […]

Famine in Far-Go Review

I’ve never played Gamma World before Wizards got their hands on it, an experience that I enjoyed but unable to indulge in nearly as frequently as I do Dungeons & Dragons. I’d heard from some source or other that Famine in Far-Go is also an adventure from a much older Gamma World edition, and chickens are implemented […]

Previews for December and Beyond

The previews open up with a reskin of the dehydrated man that you might have gotten from Gamma World Game Day–which I did not. It does basically the same thing, but gives bonuses to other skills. Next month there’s Caverns of Icewind Dale, a winter-themed Dungeon Tile set. I’ve already got a lot of tiles, but I […]

Ghouls For Gamma World

I don’t care for Fallout: New Vegas (or Fallout 3 for that matter). Liz does, however, so I end up getting to experience wandering through radioactive wastelands running errands for strangers by proxy. Via watching and/or listening I realized that there’s a lot of good concepts and monsters that could work very well for Gamma World, so I […]