April TTRPG Maker: The Next Half-Dozen

First six responses are over here.7. Your workspace.PC, because Melissa and I use Google Docs for writing, collaboration, and feedback, Photoshop for art, and InDesign to lay everything out. Sometimes I’ll draw maps on sheets of graph paper and scan them, but other times I just do them entirely in Photoshop. So, yeah, mostly a […]

April TTRPG Maker Catchup

I just caught wind of this yesterday, so here’s a quick post to get me up to speed. 1. Who Are You?Father, long-time gamer, artist, writer, web designer, someone who’s a game designer for fun, and one of the two people behind Awful Good Games. 2. Where Ya At?Physically? In a cornfield in the United […]

Fright Night: Defeating the Monster

So Fright Night is almost done: I wrapped up the art several days ago (or maybe it’s been over a week…hard to tell with all the art commissions I’ve been saddled with), all the text is laid out, and we’ve handed the pdf off to others for proofreading and to see if we’ve missed anything. Barring […]

Fright Night Art & Rules Update

It’s been several months since I talked about Fright Night. Ever since Melissa pushed me to start doing art myself for A Sundered World, we’ve decided against trying to Kickstart it again and just have me draw all of the five-ish pieces we were initially aiming for. Here’s the cover for the Creature Factory section: Since the […]

Fright Night: The Lost Child

Actors Casey and Rena, stars of a new paranormal investigation show Extras Sam, landowner Zeke, caretaker Stacy, reporter Joey, camera boy Establishing Shot We start with an overhead shot of the crumbling, abandoned estate that was once the Longsview Asylum for the Mentally Disturbed. Night is falling, and the long driveway to the large iron […]

Fright Night: Shockolate! Play Report

NOTE: Since he isn’t an author of this blog, I’m going to point out here that this play report was submitted by Ben, one of creators of Fright Night. Actor Jill as Brittney Glass, visitor to the ChocoLand amusement park Extras Kevin, Brittney’s date for the evening Suzanne, Brittney’s good friend Tyler, Suzanne’s long-time boyfriend Ron, the […]

#RPGADAY: Scariest Game You’ve Ever Played

When Paranormal Activity came out a lot of my then co-workers didn’t really like it; nothing happened, not enough happened, not enough blood, gore, and/or jump scares, you didn’t get to see what the demon-thing look liked at the end, etc. Personally I always chalked this up to their viewing environment, by which I mean they […]

It’s alive! The Fright Night Kickstarter is ALIVE!

So, hey, the Fright Night Kickstarter is live. Well actually it’s been live for a few days, now, it’s just that I was so busy blasting social networks and jabbering in a chat room about it that I’d forgotten to write an actual post. Though, I did put up a new graphic and mention it at […]

A Sundered World: Document Update

And here’s this week’s Sundered World update. Still busy cleaning the new place up, moving stuff around, and prepping Fright Night, but I did manage to add some more content to Living in a Sundered World and Adventuring in a Sundered World at the request of Shadi and Eric. I also some stuff to equipment […]

Fright Night: Climax Change

I’m still waiting on the artist to finish up a sample piece before we start the Kickstarter; it’s going to be the main image, so I want something neat for everyone to look at. In the meantime we’ve been…debating whether or not to change how the Climax Pool is treated, so getting as many perspectives, […]