Free RPG Day Discounts

As per usual I dropped the ball on making something specific for Free RPG Day, but to support it in some way we’ve marked down all our stuff on DriveThru by 40%! We’ll set it back sometime tomorrow when I wake up and remember to. In addition, backers of the Red Book Kickstarter can get Escape From […]

Free RPG Day Discounts & Freebies

While we didn’t make anything specifically for Free RPG Day (spaced it, but we’ve been putting free rpg stuff on this blog anyway), we did make an alternative character sheet and adventure for Dungeon World that are both pay what you want. We’ve also randomly marked down some Dungoen World classes: until some time tomorrow (whenever […]

Father’s Day (Also Some Free RPG Stuff)

I nearly forgot that (as of this posting) Free RPG Day was yesterday (local game store out here wasn’t doing it I guess). I quickly put up a post last night giving away a few Dungeon World PDFs, but then realized this morning I had some always free stuff I could point people to. Plus it’s […]

Free RPG Day: Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes

Short update: as part of Free RPG Day I am making Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes free for the day Pay What You Want forever, as well as marking everything else down by 50%. DOUBLE EDIT: Apparently I assumed I had it set to Pay What You Want, but if you set PWYW on a product […]

Free RPG Day: Khyber’s Harvest

It took me about two hours to finally manage to get to a game store that was not only participating in Free RPG Day, but also not requiring a randomized roll to get the game product you wanted. In hindsight I suppose I should have given the d20 a shot, but honestly I didnt really […]

Kalashtar and Telepathy

Khyber’s Harvest is one of many things you can get on Free RPG Day, which is a Dungeon & Dragons adventure written by Keith Baker, and it includes a kalashtar invoker as one of several pregen characters. While the poster wouldnt go into many specifics, he did reveal that one of the racial abilities is […]